Fleeting And Falling Feelings, Fair Flowers Wilt, But Will Bloom Once Again

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Naraku gives my hand a kiss and heads out. Lady Kaede instructs me to position my legs in a way so that they won't be in the way of my delivery, she puts a towel under my body. Sango and Kagome sits on both side of me and takes my hand, Kagome wipes the sweat from my forehead. My stomach contractions are becoming overwhelming.

"Kagome, Sango, is this normal? To give birth when the due date hasn't arrived?" I ask them nervously and laboured breath.

"It's normal__________, you don't have to worry. It's called premature birth, it's when the baby is born around the 36th or 37th week and not the 38th. You're due date is only about a week or so away so it's normal. Then again, your child will be a half demon so it's different from human babies, but everything should go smoothly." Kagome assures me with a smile.

"Now___________ I need you to take a deep breath try to endure the contractions and then push when the pain has reduced whenever you're ready." Lady Kaede instructs me.

I nod and take a deep breath, I prepare my mind and I start to endure the labouring session. I shut my eyes tightly as my muscles tenses and becomes painful. Minutes goes by and eventually it turns into half an hour, how am I still alive I wonder. Half an hour turns into an hour and I feel the pain slightly reducing after the hour.

"I think I'm ready to push?" I breath out quickly.

"Alright, whenever you're ready." Lady Kaede nods.

I begin to start pushing and holding my screams.

"Good, keep going and repeating." Lady Kaede says.

I keep doing what she tells me, Kagome and Sango holds my hand tightly to keep me steady. I let out screams once in a while to ease my pain. Minutes goes by and it soon turns into another half an hour I don't seem to be making and progress. I feel exhausted and about to pass out.

"Lady Kaede,__________ is almost at her limits, do you see anything?" Sango asks.

"Barely, I can see the top of the head but it's not coming out properly. I might have to pull the head out or it will suffocate." Lady Kaede says lifting her sleeves.

Suffocate? Oh gosh, I don't want that. I then feel Lady Kaede's hands reaching just past my womanhood and grabbing hold of the form at the entrance.

"Alright_______, on the count of three I need you to push as hard as you can. I'll support the head and pull it out at the same time. Alright? 1...2...3." Lady Kaede instructs and counts.

I take a deep breath and push as hard as possible with a scream, pushing aside my pain and focusing on getting the baby's head out at least. I then feel slight pressure disappear as something comes out.

"Alright, the head is out. The dangerous part is over, it's just the rest of the body now." Lady Kaede says with a smile.

I nod with laboured breaths. Another 10 minutes goes by and we only managed to get the baby's shoulders out.

"Why is the birth so difficult?" Sango asks Kagome.

"I'm not sure, it shouldn't be like this unless something has happened to the mother or the womb." Kagome answers with furrowed brows.

"Perhaps, it's due to the injury that she sustained on her stomach?" Sango says.

"Maybe." Kagome says quietly wiping the sweat away from my face.

I can hear them talk, but I can't really grasp onto their words long enough to talk to them. I'm almost about to pass out, another half an hour goes by and then another, it's deep in the night and I'm here screaming and in pain. An hour soon turns into two without us realizing it, and I managed to get most of the body out.

Fleeting Embraces, Falling Feelings ~ Naraku X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now