A Sacrifice Worth Giving

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I could only look at Nuwa in awe as she takes a step to the right, as she moves the soft silk of her dress flows making her seem like she's floating. Her eyes never leaving mine, they are hypnotic. I finally find my voice after pulling my eyes away from hers.

"Please Goddess Nuwa, please help me save the person that I love." I say bowing to her again.

There's a brief silence, I look back up at her. She turns around and looks up at the statue of herself.

"Guanyin told me about your arrival and why you want to find me. I've never had a mortal come here to find me, then again, no one was given the permission to come see me. You must be quite special to have been given the permission of a goddess herself." She says as she turns around to look at me.

"I asked her the same thing, she said that I was different, and somehow I reminded her of you." I answer quietly.

"I see." She replies.

She then looks at the others.

"You must all be tired, I appreciate you all for accompanying this young woman here on this 3 day long journey. But from here on out, it's between this young woman and I, and the one that she wants to save. I would like to ask you all to wait outside and give us some privacy." She asks all of them.

"Are you sure we can't stay here with her?" Kagome asks.

Nüwa doesn't reply, she only shakes her head side to side slowly. They all look at each other and then to me. I give them a nod and smile.

"I'll be fine. Thank you guys and don't worry." I assure them.

"Alright. We'll see you soon." Miroku replies.

Inuyasha lay Naraku's body onto the ground gently, They then all turn to leave, Sesshomaru looks at me, his amber eyes glistening in the candle light. I look back at him with a smile. Sesshomaru then turns and leaves. After he disappears into the dark tunnel again, Nuwa turns to me, I stand up straight and look back at her. She then walks over to Naraku's lifeless body, she walks around him as she studies him.

"Tell me your name child, and about this being here, and the relation you share with this being." She tells me.

I walk over to Naraku's body and I kneel down, I gently lift his head onto my lap as I hold his cold hand in mine. I look down at his face, and I feel tears starting to form again, but I hold it in and I smile as I squeeze his hand.

"My name is_______________. This being right here, his name is Naraku, and he is a demon." I start of.

I can see Nuwa standing on the other side, her purple dress unmoving and neither was she, I can feel that she's listening to me, just like Guanyin when she listened to everything that I said that day.

"Naraku is my soulmate, the love of my life. I met him about 12 years ago when I was 10, at the time Naraku was a half demon that was out to destroy the world and was trying to obtain a magical orb called the "Shikon Jewel." He was evil, he was a manipulator and a deceiver. But I met him at a magical cherry blossom tree one night, he saved me after I fell off the tree. He was evil, he was an evil demon he didn't have to save me...but he did. The first day that I saw him, I didn't know he was evil, I didn't know anything about him, but I was captivated by his eyes. They were so gorgeous and unique, the red around his pupils were like the crimson fire and the white of his pupil were like snow. I have never seen anything so beautiful and unique in my life before, even the beautiful nature's flowers could't even compete with his unique and one of a kind eyes. I was captivated by him, but since I was only 10 I only thought that it was because of his uniqueness that captivated me, but 12 years later, I met him again. But when we met again under the same cherry blossom tree, I couldn't remember who he was. He wiped away my memories of him that night 10 years ago because he didn't want someone innocent like me to remember a being like him. He saved me again in the same manner that day, Although I couldn't remember who he was, I got to know him this time around and before I knew it, I realized that I was in love with Naraku. I might have even been in love with him 12 years ago but I was young and I didn't know love. The thing is, Naraku actually died 12 years ago after meeting me, but somehow he came back to life. Naraku couldn't remember his past when I met him the second time. He couldn't remember who he was or what he did, all he remembered was waking up in an empty field naked and seeing a figure in a cloak walking away. Despite everything, we fell in love and because of the love that we shared, we were able to break the barriers that blocked our memories of each other and our past. I taught him how to love, how to be happy, and he taught me how to cherish the things that we care and love. We were happy, we went through a lot. Sometimes I wonder, how could a human like me and a demon like Naraku fall in love with one another. It's a dream, but it became reality. Being with him, it makes me so happy. He's a gift. We actually promised each other that we would start a family and live out the rest of our lives together until my time comes. We were happy until not too long ago, an unexpected event occurred. A Chinese woman possessed by a Chinese demon and 2 deadly illnesses entered into our land and broke the boundaries, my friends and I managed to take her down, but then the god, Lei Gong appeared and thought that we deserved to be punished because we could've saved the woman's life by exorcising the demon within her. We tried our best to deflect Lei Gong's attacks, but unfortunately, we were no match against a god. By trying to protect me, Naraku got killed in the fight by an attack that was reflected off of Lei Gong's drums. His death devastated me, I couldn't accept the fact that I lost him. I tried my best to move on but how could I? I lost the one that I love so suddenly, and so unfairly. But thanks to the heavens, the goddess Guanyin came and told me that the creator goddess can save Naraku. She told me to find your name first and know your story, then travel 3 days towards east. After going through all that, I'm finally here. That is my story, I'm here hoping that you can help save Naraku, Guanyin told me that when he was revived, he only had half of his soul. She also said that his aura is slowly fading but not completely gone, that if I manage to find or get the other half of his soul before his aura completely fades away, he can come back to life. Please tell me that all of this is true." I tell her my story and looking up at her.

Fleeting Embraces, Falling Feelings ~ Naraku X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now