Mirroring A Once Upon A Time

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I watch as Sesshomaru slowly straighten himself up, he looks graceful and elegant. His white hair flows in the night breeze, his white kimono sways as he stands there without any movements. He tilts his head up and looks up at the night sky, I slowly sit up and stand up. I'm patiently waiting for his answer to my question.

"It was unexpected to see a human protect a demon like Naraku, without a second thought of your own wellbeing, someone like that I suppose deserves to live out their life. You also remind me of Rin, young, lively, and fearless." He finally replies.

"So uh... my bravery makes me a fool but it's also my strong point?" I ask him.

"If you see it that way." He replies.

I suppose he's really not as bad as I thought, he may be a bit aloof and harsh, but maybe it's just his personality? Without knowing I let out a smile.

"Thanks Sesshomaru. Guess I misjudged you, sorry for my uh...defensive remarks earlier..." I say quietly twirling my thumbs behind my back.

Sesshomaru's ears slightly twitches and he turns slightly to look at me, his golden amber eyes are gorgeous. They are gorgeous to look at, very captivating, but somehow, Naraku's ruby red eyes are more beautiful. They say that the colour red means passion and it's the strongest colour and most captivating in Asian culture, but I think it's more beautiful because I still love Naraku. He doesn't say anything, his white bangs flutters lightly around his forehead. I clear my throat and look slightly away.

"But I'm still going to keep my guard up around you for the time being." I say.

He turns to face me, the fur around his shoulder ruffles as he moves.

"What about Naraku made you fall in love with him? He's a demon who killed and lied without remorse." He suddenly says.

I turn to look at him, and I let out a sigh.

"When it comes to love, do you really a need a reason and a why? The heart does what it wants, you fall in love with someone without knowing it, you have no control of the feeling. When you fall in love, it's also hard to fall out of love... at least for humans. I can only tell you this much for now." I say turning to him.

Sesshomaru continues to stay silent, he keeps looking at me without blinking. Talking to him doesn't seem so bad, although we had a rough encounter but I think it turned out alright. Although he did injure me, but I don't really hold anything against him, I'm not really expecting an apology from him either, besides, he doesn't look like the type to apologize. So I'm just going to leave that as that. From tonight, I realized that there's a lot hidden underneath his expressionless exterior, perhaps getting to know him better won't hurt. I look up at the moon, it's seems to be close to midnight. After talking to Sesshomaru, my mood seem to relax a bit, I actually feel tired.

"Anyway, I'm going to head back to the village now. It's nice to get to know you a bit better today, I... uh... see you around." I say to him.

Sesshomaru's brows slowly relaxes, his harsh expression seems to soften a lot and the crescent moon on his forehead loses its wrinkles.

"Likewise." He replies.

"Goodnight, have a safe trip back home... or wherever you're going after." I say with a slight laugh.

Sesshomaru shows me a slight nod, I give a quick bow. I then turn around and walk through the tall grass back to the village. When I arrive back at the village, it's quiet. A few lanterns are lit alongside the road but every hut are dark inside, I kind of remember where my hut is. I walk through the street and back to my quiet hut, I open up the door and step inside. I take off my sandals and step onto the wooden platform, the futon is still the way that I left it. I change out of my kimono and just wore my inner layer, I pick up the two large towels and I lay down onto the futon. The dark grey wash in the room feels so lonely, but I suppose it's something that I'll just have to deal with. I rub my hands along the woven towel, and I remember when Naraku and I shared it together. Nostalgic and beautiful, how I wish we can go back to those times again. If to have him stand in front of me again means giving up our relationship, I would do it. I honestly don't know how long it will take me to move on from Naraku but I know that eventually, I'll have to if he and I never meet up again. I fiddle with the bracelets on my left wrist for a while and I close my eyes, I eventually doze off. I wake up to the morning sun shining through my eyelids, I open my eyes and squint my eyes, I slowly sit up and took a moment to find my senses. I stretch and take a deep breath.

Fleeting Embraces, Falling Feelings ~ Naraku X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now