Was It A Worthwhile Trip?

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The young man then lowers me down gently, I'm still a bit shocked that it took me a while to regain my balance and composure. I finally get a good look at him now that we have some space between us. He looks like he's in his late 20's or early 30's. He has pale fair skin, curly waist length black hair with bangs covering his forehead. His expression is quite neutral, he's wearing a dark purple kimono that seems torn and ruined. The thing that stuck out the most are his crimson eyes, they're so unique but beautiful, in a way it reminds me of Inuyasha, demon eyes.

"Uhm... thank you for saving me." I say to him with a bow.

He looks at me, his expression still unchanging.

"What were you doing?" He asks me.

His voice is low, calm and rich. It's quite soothing to be honest.

"I was trying to get that injured bird up there on the branch, but I fell." I say pointing up at the tree.

He follows my finger and turns to look up at the tree, after he does that he lunges towards the tree. My eyes goes wide as I see him leaping towards the tree, my eyes follows him as I see him jumping up onto the branch with grace and gently scooping up the bird and then landing onto the ground. I blink to refocus at what I just saw, and I run up to him. He stands up and holds the bird in his hand and looks at it.

"You got it. Thank you. How did you do that? Are you a demon by chance?" I ask him.

He hands the bird to me and I cup it in my hands, being careful not to hurt it more. He looks back at me with his red eyes.

"I am. And you, you're a human..." he replies calmly.

Guess I was right, those eyes are eyes that no human can possess, only demons. Also, no humans can jump that high and move with such grace. Like Inuyasha and Shippo, I'm not scared of him, I'm fascinated. He doesn't seem like a bad guy as well.

"Yes, yes I am. It's nice to meet you. I'm___________. What's your name?" I ask him with a smile.

He looks at me with white pupils surrounded in fire's colors. His brows slightly relaxes.

"___________. That's a nice name..." he says with a slight smile.

"Thanks, and you?" I ask him again.

"It's Naraku." He replies.

My eyes slightly widens a little as I hear his name. Is it the same Naraku that Inuyasha and the others mentioned? It can't be... the Naraku that they said is so evil, but him... he saved an injured bird and myself. I decided to put that thought aside and just focus on getting to know him.

"Naraku... quite an interesting name. Who gave you that name? Why is it Naraku? I mean, don't you feel like that the name, Naraku might put you in a bad light?" I ask him.

Naraku looks to the side and turns around, the spring breeze gently blowing our hair.

"I don't know. I... don't remember anything from my past..." He answers me.

Don't remember? Is he suffering from amnesia? Like me? I walk up beside him and look into his eyes.

"You don't remember anything? What do you remember? Anything? Anything at all, like where you came from?" I ask him again.

"The only thing that I remember is that I woke up on the ground bare, there was a woman in a cloak that told me that my name is Naraku. That was a month ago." He says looking at the cherry tree.

So he doesn't remember anything from his past till only about a month ago, I feel him. Losing a part of your memories can be stressful.

"Where are you living now? Do you live with anyone?" I ask him.

Fleeting Embraces, Falling Feelings ~ Naraku X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now