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Since that day that I met Kagome and the others, I haven't seen them since. Nothing interesting has happened since then, except for one occurrence when the sky went dark and a bright purple-pink light illuminated the sky, then the next day, everything was back to normal. 12 years has passed since then, and now I'm 22. Now that I'm an adult, my life feels as if it just started. Sazanami is now 26 and she has grown into a beautiful woman, and she will forever be my older sister figure. My parents has reduced their traveling since their age is catching up to them, so if they have errands to run, they'll call on one of our guards or messengers, or me in some occasion. I actually like it, I want to go out and explore, see the world and the wonders that it holds. Just my luck one day, my parents needs to deliver a parcel to the same town that we went to 12 years prior. I'm sitting in front of my parents in the social room of the estate.

"I'll delivery the parcel to the lord, you don't need to call on someone else." I say to them with a smile.

"We don't know if it's safe or not, it's a 2 day trip." My mother says.

"Mother please, I'm not 10 anymore, I'm 22. I can take care of myself. Besides, it's nice to explore a bit, go out and see what's beyond the mountains again." I tell her taking her hand.

"If you're going I feel that I should assign some guards with you just to be safe." My father says.

"We rarely hear of demon attacks anymore, we haven't heard of any since a few years ago. Besides, not all demons are bad. Don't worry father and mother, I'll be fine. I remember the way there and back, and it's only 4 days or so. Maybe longer if I decide to stay." I say with a playful smile.

My parents look at each other and let out a unified sigh.

"Stubborn as ever, alright. I suppose it won't hurt for you to go out and get use to the outside world. Let your wings spread out a bit. Just stay safe alright?" My father says.

"Don't worry I will." I say to them with a bow.

The rest of the day goes on smoothly, Sazanami helps me pack up some essentials for the trip tomorrow when night arrives.

"All right, looks like you're all set for tomorrow. Stay safe alright? Especially when out alone." Sazanami says taking my hand.

"Don't worry Saza, I'm all grown up now you don't need to worry about me anymore. All you need to do, is be my big sister and help me water my Freesia when I'm gone." I say to her with a smile.

"Alright, it's hard not to worry after taking care of you since you were 6." Sazanami sighs.

"I know, time flies and a constant routine is difficult to break. Eventually though, you'll go out and explore the world yourself, and hopefully with a husband by your side soon." I say to her.

"Hopefully, that's the word that requires emphasis. Alright, get some rest." Sazanami says ruffling my hair with a smile.

"Goodnight." I reply back to her.

She stands up and exits out the room. I blow out my candle and the golden room is suddenly covered in navy blue. I lay down on my futon and close my eyes, soon, sleep takes over me. I wake up to brightness filling my whole vision, I get up and grab my kimono and head out to wash up. The birds has just started to chirp, signaling a new day. After washing up, I change into my kimono and head out to the dining hall. I ask the maids if they can just prepare something simple for me, because I want an early head start. If I can get to the town early then that would be the best, I do want to look around a bit when I get there. After finishing up eating, I get up to retrieve the parcel. As I enter into the hallway, I see my parents and Sazanami.

Fleeting Embraces, Falling Feelings ~ Naraku X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now