An Unexpected Turn of Events

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"Kagome! Oh my gosh I'm so sorry for not recognizing you, it was only after that I saw Inuyasha in the back that I realized." I say hugging her.

"Can't blame you, it's been 12 years since we last met, we've all grown and memories fade over time. Ya, it was all thanks to Inuyasha that smelled out your scent." Kagome says with a laugh.

"Being a dog demon sure has a good sense of smell. Comes in handy I see" I say with a laugh in return.

"Ya, and sometimes there are scents that I wish I could forget. Hey___________." Inuyasha says walking up to us with Miroku and Shippo.

"Hey Inuyasha, Miroku, and nice to see you again Shippo." I say kneeling down to hug Shippo.

"Hey__________, my have you grown, you're even more beautiful than we last saw you." Miroku replies with a smile.

"Good thing Sango isn't here or else she would've smacked you silly." Inuyasha says sighing and crossing his arm.

"Why? Why would Sango smack Miroku?" I ask them giggling.

"Oh, Miroku and Sango are married, they have twin girls and a son." Kagome answers me.

Miroku and Sango married and they have children already? Oh my time sure did fly, I'm so happy for them. From the looks of it, Kagome must be training to become a full priestess, Shippo still tiny but still keeping that cute outer physique. Inuyasha on the other hand, still Inuyasha like.

"Time sure flies, I'm so happy for them. Looks like you're training to become a full priestess." I say to Kagome.

"Yes, I'm still learning but it's coming along. Miroku and Sango aren't the only two married." Kagome says with a smirk.

"Oh, who else?" I ask her.

"Kagome and I are married." Inuyasha answers me.

I look at them surprised, Inuyasha and Kagome are married. Just from knowing them for about a day, they had like different personalities and they argued a lot, didn't thought that they fell in love. But, life is full of surprised. Kagome is a human and Inuyasha is a demon, and they fell in love, just like Naraku and I. Remembering Naraku, about their journey...

"Oh my, I'm so happy for you and Inuyasha. By the way, your journey 12 years ago, how did it go?" I ask them.

"Thanks. It was a long journey, but everything turned out alright." Kagome says.

Oh good, no one got hurt, I feel relieved. I let out a sigh and a smile.

"Glad that everything turned out alright. It's getting late, how about coming over and staying the night?" I ask them.

"We were just passing here after an exorcism job, we're still not sure if we're staying or not. Say, where is Sazanami?" Shippo asks me.

"The next town is pretty far away, it's better to get some rest before setting off again. Ah yea, Saza got married today, she left to live with her husband about an hour ago." I tell them.

"Sazanami got married, that's just great news. Perhaps you got a point, maybe we should stay for a night and set off tomorrow. If it's not too much for you, especially after Sazanami's marriage."Miroku says.

"Oh no, not at all, the house just got a bit empty now that Sazanami is gone, it'll be nice to have some old friends over. Come on follow me." I say leading them back home.

"Feels like old times." Inuyasha says.

The five of us return back to my estate, the sun is starting to set.

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