Flames In The Darkness

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The moonlight shines through the windows of the castle as our footsteps echos in the hallway, my heart beats faster as we near his room bit by bit. Naraku's cool hand holds mine and it makes me feel like this is where I belong, next to him. Eventually, we come upon the sliding door of his large grand room. Naraku slides the door open and I look inside, it's dark, although the dim moonlight shines through but it's almost pitch black, I can barely see a thing except for the silhouettes of some small objects. Naraku enters and I follow after him, I let his hand go and I walk to the center of the room. Since it's so dark I have to be careful about my steps, as I walk to the center my foot touches something soft. My eyes wonders around the dark room as it adjusts slowly, I bend down to touch what my foot stepped on. Soft fabric comes in contact with my finger, since I can't see in the dark my sense of touch has heightened. I smile as I figure out what it is, it's the futon. Behind me I can hear the sliding door of the room close, I stand up as I hear light footsteps coming across the floor.

"I'll light some candles." I hear Naraku say from somewhere behind me.

"No, don't light any." I quickly say.

"Why not, you won't be able to see." He replies.

I slowly stand up and I turn around, I feel blind because I can't see anything but I don't feel worried or scared. I show a smile and my eyes darts around the dark room as I try to find Naraku's silhouette, surprisingly, it's not his silhouette that I see from the barely visible moonlight first. I see his eyes, his red eyes stands out in the darkness. How unique and special they are indeed, they stand out from everything else. He's standing not far away because his eyes are small and the dim glowing red of his irises tells me that. His eyes, they are like circles of fire. I take a step forward as I focus on his eyes, although the room is dark but his eyes are bright enough to guide me to him. His eyes becomes closer and closer, until I stop right in front of him. His glowing eyes are right in front of me now, when we see glowing red eyes or any other colors it would freak any living person out, but Naraku's... they are beautiful. Then again, these eyes belongs to the person that I love. I put out my hands and I blindly search for his, I touch his sleeves, the silk fabric of his kimono brushes my fingertips and I feel just how velvety it feels. Then I feel something cool touch each of my hands, I instinctively want to retreat my hands. Then they wrap around my hands, and I take a moment to let the shape and feeling sink in, they're Naraku's hands. I smile as I feel safe with his touch, I look back up at his glowing red eyes. My sense of hearing also strengthened in the darkness, I can hear Naraku's breathing so clearly. Since he's a demon, he can probably see me in the dark. As a human, I can't, so that's why I need to rely on the only senses that I have in order to make out my surroundings.

"I can see, I see you Naraku, I see your eyes. They stand out from everything else, also your touch tells me that you're right here in front of me. I don't need to see you Naraku to know that you're here, I want the feeling of touch to tell me that. Tonight, I just want to feel you." I tell him as I focus on his red eyes.

I see them shifting slightly as he looks at me, I can't see his face, his nose or lips, they blend into the darkness. I feel him let go of one of my hand, a gentle cool touch rests against my cheek. Naraku's hand caresses my cheek lovingly, I sense him leaning in as his eyes comes closer. Something soft touches my lips as his hand tilts my head up slightly, Naraku kisses me. His nose brushes against my face as he kisses me. He then releases my lips and I can feel his breathing against my nose.

"____________, you surprise me with the most unexpected things. You're right, we have the night to feel each other and each other's warmth as much as we want and need." I hear him say quietly.

I nod with a smile as I gaze into his red eyes in the darkness. I gently pull on his strong hands, and I back up not losing contact with his eyes. I guide the two of us onto his large futon, when the wooden floor is gone and the soft silk fabric takes its place underneath us, I stop backing up. With the dim moonlight as the only light source, I can see Naraku's wavy hair and the outline of his body, but I still can't really see his face, but it doesn't matter because being able to feel him is enough. I then guide the two of us to kneel down onto the futon cross from each other, I let go of his hands and I glide my own up his sleeves. I'm looking for the knots of his kimono, my hands slides up but then I feel Naraku's hands rests on mine and he guides me to the knots of his kimono. I show him a smile and I proceed to untie the knots, as I do my heartbeat begin to increase in speed. When I don't feel any knots left, I open up his kimono slowly and let it and his vest to slide off and onto the futon, soft rustling of the fabrics fills the room. I then use my hand to find him again, my hands searches for his body and in no time I do. My hands touches what I assume is his chest, smooth skin glides along my palms, the coolness of his skin feel soothing. I then feel his hands gently take hold of my kimono, I lower my arms to allow him to take off my clothes. I feel his fingers untying each knot, each movement seem to heighten my senses. I close my eyes and to let my other senses take over, soon I feel the cool air of the room caress my shoulders and front as I feel my kimono slide off onto the futon. I open my eyes again, still seeing the darkness of the room. I look up and my eyes searches for Naraku's, and I find them. Now we are both bare, but only Naraku can see me, I can only use my sense of touch to feel his flawless skin. I open my arms and I smile.

Fleeting Embraces, Falling Feelings ~ Naraku X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now