Falling Feelings

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I wake up to the dim sunlight that is just starting to shine through the covered wooden windows. I'm laying on my side, the silk covers embraces me. My whole body feels slightly sore, and I remember last night. I smile at the beautiful memory that Naraku and I shared. Something shifts behind me, I then feel something gently coming over my waist, and embraces me. I know it's Naraku, he stayed with me all night. Naraku leans over and kisses me on the back, he then rests his face between the crook of my neck and shoulder. I feel a slight shiver run through my body at the intimacy, I smile.

"Good morning Naraku." I whisper holding his hand around my waist.

"Good morning__________." He replies softly.

I shift my body and turn to face him, I'm greeted by his ruby red eyes. They shine vividly in the rising sun, his fair skin flawless and porcelain like. His black hair is black as pure black ebony, he looks absolutely perfect. His face is laced with a peaceful expression, his chest rising and falling as he breathes.

"What are we doing today?" I ask him.

"Anything that you want to do, I'll be happy to oblige." Naraku replies touching my cheek.

"I don't want to do much, I just want to spend time with you." I reply back to him.

Naraku smiles and takes my hand.

"Then let's spend time together." He says quietly.

I nod, I close my eyes and bring myself closer to Naraku, I rest my head against his bare chest, our skin touches and I feel at peace. Naraku holds my hand gently, it's warm and comforting. Naraku holds me close and rests his chin on top of my head, I can hear his heart beating. He's a demon yes, but he knows emotions now, he knows love, he knows pain, he's no different than me or any other humans. He has a heart, and it beats. With him beside me, I fall back asleep. Another few hours go by, and I wake up to the now, I assume close to afternoon sun shining through my eyelids. I open my eyes and stretch, my body has become less sore than earlier. I look beside me and Naraku isn't sleeping beside me anymore, I slowly sit up and pull the cover up to cover my front. My hair is a mess from last night's lovemaking, I smooth it down with my finger and get up. I put on my white kimono, and grab my red one. I open the window to the room so that fresh air can come in, I then slide open the door and look out, like before, the whole estate and serene and empty. I head to the bathroom to wash up. I take a nice bath and smooth out my hair, half an hour goes by I believe by the time I finish. I head out of the washroom to look for Naraku, after looking around the whole estate once again, I head out into the openess of the blue sky and green grass. I go around the veranda, the fresh air fills my senses. I eventually find Naraku sitting on the veranda looking out, his black hair gently swaying in the breeze. I walk up to him, Naraku looks at me and smiles. He stands up and waits for me to approach him, which I eventually do.

"Did you rest well?" He asks me.

"Of course I did, did you?" I ask him.

"I did as well." He replies back to me with a soft smile.

"What were you doing out here?" I ask him.

Naraku looks back out at the mountains once again, his face showing a thoughtful expression.

"I'm just taking in this moment... as the real me." He says.

I look at his face in profile, I admire his red eyes as they gazes all around him, shifting slightly every now and then. I take his large hand in mine, Naraku turns to look at me. I smile back at him.

"Let's take in this moment together. We have all the time in the world." I tell him.

Naraku doesn't say anything but smiles, we both look out towards the beautiful nature. To spend time with Naraku in peace like this, it feels like a dream. I want to spend the rest of my life with him, I want to run away from everything and just be here with him in peace. I feel that when I'm with him, I feel truly happy. Seeing Naraku's smile makes me feel content, it gives me a purpose, and it's to make him, once a demon who was born from darkness to find a place in this world and to see the beauty of life. The day goes on quietly, I ate while Naraku stayed with me, serene but nice. Naraku showed me around the estate, its history, and purpose. He took me out of the estate and showed me the nearby area, it was once a place of inhabitants, but due to the demonic miasma, they were all gone and the place was abandoned. He reluctantly told me more about the old him, his reincarnations. I listened to him with an open mind and heart, I knew that it was the old him, he has a fresh start in life, this time, with someone by his side. He was a demon who killed and betrayed, but not anymore. If he was the old him, I probably wouldn't be standing here right now. Now, he has someone who loves him and can guide him to a beautiful and peaceful future. The sun travelled from one side of the sky to the other, as the colors shifts from blue to orange in order to catch on to the fleeting time. Before the sun completely sets, Naraku and I go out onto the veranda once more to watch the beautiful sunset together. We both sit down onto the wooden platform, I sit slightly slanted and I lean against Naraku's chest as I rest my head beside his chin. Naraku holds me to him as we watch the day slowly coming to an end seconds by seconds. The flaming orange color makes my eyes squint, we admire the sky in silence for a while.

Fleeting Embraces, Falling Feelings ~ Naraku X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now