Just One Kiss

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The field is silent for a few a brief moment, then Naraku lowers his eyes slightly to the ground.

"___________, why are you here? Are you not tired?" He asks me.

His voice is deep and rich, and a bit sad. To be honest, I think his voice is nice to listen to.

"No, I'm not quite tired yet, I wanted to come to the flower field, I've been wanting to come here since this afternoon, but I got occupied by something else. You mind if I sit down?" I ask him.

Naraku doesn't say anything but he shows me a gesture to go ahead, I take a seat on his right and the two of us look out into the darkness together side by side.

"It seems like you've been in this field since this morning, is everything alright?" I ask him again breaking the silence.

"If I said I was alright, I would be lying, a lot of things has happened lately and my mind is in a state of despair. About the kiss, I'm sorry if that shocked you." He says.

"Oh uhh yea about that, it took me by surprise, but I'm not mad or anything. I mean, Kagome and others did tell me that you and I use to be in a love so it was normal for you. I hope you're alright now? Even if it's just a tiny bit." I say with a smile.

Naraku turns his head to look at me, his red irises gazing into mine, longing for something if I must say.

"Do you really not remember anything? Nothing about us?" He asks me again.

"I really don't, but perhaps, we can be friends? Start from there?" I suggest.

Naraku's face slightly shows a slight expression of shock, but he then takes control again, he then shows me a subtle smile, a smile filled with pain. I feel bad that I'm saying this, but I think it's better than not talking, and besides, I don't think I can do anything aside from being his friend. I feel that it's the only thing that I can do.

"Are you not afraid of me?" He suddenly asks me.

"No, I don't think I was afraid of you ever since our meeting, I suppose the kiss just made everything a bit awkward between us that's all. Not to mention, I find your eyes very...unique and pretty. They're nice to look at." I tell him with a friendly smile.

Naraku's eyes seem to glow slightly as I said that, they look glamorous.

"Someone once said that to me years ago." Naraku says with nostalgia in his voice.

"They are unique indeed. I also know that you are a demon, and what you have been through kind of. Since we are friends now, I think, how about telling me a bit about yourself, your past. If it's alright with you?"I ask him pulling my legs to my chest.

"Do you really want to know about my past?" He asks me looking at me, his red eyes looking like crimson fire.

"Well, it's completely up to you, but I feel that getting to know a demon wouldn't be so bad. Perhaps it can bring us closer as friends." I smile at him.

"What if my past isn't a pleasant one?" Would you still listen to them?" He quietly says.

"Uhm, I guess I'll try my best to listen to you with an open mind." I assure him.

"Someone once said that to me a long time ago as well, how much I miss them." Naraku whispers quietly, but I managed to hear it.

Naraku returns back to me, his eyes holding mine.

"Yes, I am a demon, in fact, I use to be a half demon, I was born out of darkness and hatred. I was the demon of deceit, I was born to kill and destroy. I was out to acquire an orb called the Shikon Jewel in order to gain power, what other way to get it then to deceive and kill. That was when Inuyasha and the others had to hunt me down and extinguish me from existence, but along the way, I met a child before my last few days alive. The child was pure and innocent, and because of that child I was able to see beauty. In the end Inuyasha and the others did kill me, but I was revived by a deity from a single fragment of my soul. I found out that I was a puppet of a greater demon, but with my death I was finally free." He tells me while looking out.

Fleeting Embraces, Falling Feelings ~ Naraku X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now