Blossoming of One's Yearning

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I wake up to the chirping of the birds around me, I stir and open my eyes slowly. The rising sun is bright and the morning orange laces the vast sky above me, I yawn and stretch my arms and my back. I slowly sit up and I sit there for a bit trying to regain my consciousness again. When I come to, I look around me, the green trees surrounds the open field like a border, the soft grass beneath me tickles my hands as they sway in the gentle morning breeze. I look up and I can see the pink cherry blossoms greeting me with its vibrant petals, I then look to my left. Naraku's not beside me anymore, I look up and further into the openness. My eyes fall upon a lean figure standing in the middle of the grass, his long curly wavy black hair falling behind his back like black cascade, his navy blue silk kimono reflecting the sun's light and more vibrant than when I saw it at night. Naraku's still as a statue as he looks at the sky it seems, I smile at the scene. I get up and smooth out my kimono, I then walk up to him, the grass gently rustling as I walked through it. When I'm about to reach him, Naraku turns around. My eyes meets his and just like always, I'm captivated by his eyes. The crimson red of his irises looks like deep fire with the white of his pupils giving its vibrance, he has a calm and subtle smile on his face.

"Morning Naraku." I say to him with a smile.

"Morning." He replies.

As I look at him I notice that Atamashi is in his hands, he's gentle massaging its wing.

"How is Atamashi? And did you rest well?" I ask him.

"Yes, I had a nice rest. Atamashi seems to be recovering nicely, all thanks to you." Naraku says.

"No, I can't take all the credit. We did it together, you should give yourself a pat on the shoulder." I say to him.

"A pat on the shoulder... Never thought that I could save a life just like that without thinking." Naraku says looking up at the sky with a slight vacant look.

I look at his expression and I wonder. Why is he saying stuff like that? Anyone can save someone if they wanted to, why does he think it's hard to save someone.

"Why are you putting yourself in this position? Everyone is capable of saving a life, it's part of what makes us human or a body that has a soul. You saved Atamashi because you thought it was the right thing to do. They say that being evil is easy, and being good is difficult and requires a lot of effort, but those efforts can bring a lot of happiness. You made that effort without thinking, and look, something good came out of it. You didn't just save one life, you saved two. Be proud Naraku." I say to him with a gentle nudge on the arm.

Naraku looks down from the sky and then at me, his ruby eyes gazing into mine. The gentle breeze carries stray strands of our hair around us, as I looked at him, I feel frozen, like I'm held under a spell. What is this? I clear my throat after blinking a few times.

"Let's explore this place a bit, so far I'm only familiar with this area, so can you show me around? I want to get a grasp of this place before I leave in the afternoon." I ask him with a smile.

Naraku softens his expression and smiles.

"You're leaving in the afternoon... Sure, follow me." He says.

He turns around and I follow beside him as we walk into the tall trees. We walked through the beautiful nature, birds chirped in the trees and the sound of water flowing through the streams. Small animals scampering along the ground and flowers lined the ground below our feet, this place is a beauty indeed. Atamashi chirped along the way, he seems excited but unfortunately he still can't quite fly yet. After a while, Naraku leads me to a stream, larger than the one that I saw 12 years ago. The clear water reflects the sunlight and it shimmers as it flows down the stream.

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