It's Only When They Are Gone...

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I take in this moment, I can still hear the crickets chirping in the distance. I hold onto Sesshomaru's neck, He is motionless on the other hand. He's probably surprised by my sudden action, I don't blame him. Alright, I'll follow down the path of love and love Sesshomaru because he said that he loves me. I proceed to pull my lips away from his as I feel no reciprocation from him, when I feel his lips caresses mine gently in return suddenly. A gentle kiss with a tint of sadness. I then pull my lips away from his, I lower back down onto the soles of my feet again and I look up at Sesshomaru once my eyes opens. Sesshomaru's gorgeous eyes opens as well, the magenta stripes disappears as his golden irises flicks to mine. His eyes darts back and forth as he looks at me.

"What's wrong Sesshomaru?" I ask him.

"Why did you do that?" He asks me quietly.

"You told me that you love me, and I think I finally figured out my feelings as well. I care about you a lot, and being around you feels so comforting. So I'd like to believe that I'm in love with you as well, this kiss was for me to confirm everything and let you know that...I feel the same." I tell him with a smile.

Sesshomaru's brows slightly furrows, his left hand comes up and he holds my face.

"Are you sure that is how you feel?" He asks me.

I ponder on his question for a split second, and I smile. I place my right hand over his that is on my face, and I hold it.

"Yes, that is truly how I feel." I tell him.

"__________..." Sesshomaru quietly says.

I smile in return, I then take a step forward. I wrap my two arms around Sesshomaru's waist, his strong and broad torso is too much for me to wrap my arms around but I try my best. He's warm, the soft silk of his white kimono touches my skin. The fur around his shoulder tickles my face, I lean my head against his chest just below the spiked chest guard.

"You said that you can't have me, and you said that I'm not yours. I don't know what the reason is or why you said that, but I would like to make it work." I tell him quietly.

Sesshomaru doesn't respond for a few seconds, then I feel his left hand gently rest on the top of my head, I then feel his chin on the top of my head as well. His scent overwhelms me, it's comforting. The sun has completely set by now, the stars are out and the crescent moon hangs above us. I then pull away from him slightly and look up at him, Sesshomaru is gazing down at me with a gentle expression.

"Let's stay here for the night, I would like to spend more time with you." I ask him.

"As you like." He replies with a subtle smile.

I nod in response, I take his hand into mine. His large hand covers mine completely, the two of us walk through the field together back to the tall tree. Sesshomaru helps me back up onto the tree branch, he leans back against the trunk and I lean against his chest as I sit between his legs on the tree branch. His hands are holding my arms and he holds me close to him, I rest my head at the base of his neck, he gently rests his cheek against my temple. The two of us look out into the black distance sprinkled with dazzling stars accompanied by the sounds of crickets, it's so peaceful.

"Have you ever loved any before me?" I ask him.

"Why are you asking me that?" He replies.

"Just curious, I won't be jealous or anything." I tell him with a light chuckle.

Sesshomaru doesn't reply for a few seconds, I can hear him breathing quietly.

"Yes." He finally says.

"I see, what type of person was she?" I ask him.

For some reason, I don't feel any jealousy at all, in fact, I feel happy for him, I'm happy that he's a demon who knows love prior to meeting me. I wonder what type of person she was that made a demon like him fall in love.

Fleeting Embraces, Falling Feelings ~ Naraku X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now