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A few days slowly turns into a week, although everyday seem to be a circle like routine but everyday is peaceful. Although it has only been a week or so but I felt like I've become a part of their lively family. Not a day have I felt lonely or out of place, I wish that I can live with them forever. Also, Sesshomaru and I seem to be getting to understand each other better, I've come to tolerate some of his replies. In a sense, he's almost like an older brother figure. I've come to understand him beyond his cold exterior, he's very caring. Being with Sesshomaru once in a while just seem to balance out the endless circle routine days, I feel grateful for him to spend time with me. In no time, 2 weeks almost comes to an end, the lingering despair that I have felt of the relationship between Naraku and I have slowly faded day by day, he's just a part of my memories as of now, beautiful memories. One day I'm out in the fields with Kagome, the sun is shining down onto the rows of vegetables, the mountains stands tall in the distance and the birds fly in unison. After working in the field for about two hours or so, I stand up and stretch. The sweet smell of the late spring breeze fills my senses, I close my eyes and took in the moment.

"You seem to be back to your usual self again_______." I hear Kagome say from behind me.

I turn to look at her, her big brown eyes are beautiful under the bright sunlight. Her cheerful smile is always an energy boost, her personality is what makes her loveable.

"Remembering who you are is important isn't it? You don't want to lose yourself no matter what, and lately I've come to adjust to this place and with the people. It's only natural that I should be cheerful again, for my own sake and for the people around me." I reply.

"I'm glad to hear that, it's true we have all come to see you as a younger sister. Also it seems that you're on good terms with Inuyasha's brother, Sesshomaru." Kagome says.

"Well... He and I didn't start off on a good note." I say with a laugh.

"I realized that, because of Naraku and the injury that you sustained from Sesshomaru." She says.

"Well I don't hold anything against him, I mean I suppose I understand why because Naraku was a dangerous demon in his past life. Sesshomaru and I have come to an understanding after talking to each other a few times. In a way, I see him almost like an older brother figure. He's a bit aloof and emotionless at times but I think I've adapted to it." I say to her.

Kagome's eyes slightly widens in surprise, but then shows me a smile.

"A brother figure, that's a surprise, I wonder what Sesshomaru sees you as. Glad to see Sesshomaru has a soft side for another person besides Rin. How are you feeling towards this Naraku situation?" Kagome asks me.

I take a deep breath and look back up at the sky, I squint at the bright natural light that illuminates the world around and allowing me to see. I sigh and let out a nostalgic smile.

" I seem to have accepted everything, I'm moving forward. I'll always hold Naraku dear to me even though he has hurt me emotionally. I realized what I was getting myself into, but I just wasn't prepared for the ending." I tell her.

"Being in love is not our fault, but we have to be prepared for whatever the outcome will be. I think you're doing very well_________. If there is a chance that you and Naraku could fall in love again, would you?" She asks me.

Fall in love again? Have I fell out of love to begin with? I don't think I have, but I kind of understand what Kagome is asking me.

"If there's a chance that Naraku and I will ever meet up again, I want to find out about his true feelings, I want to catch up on everything that we've missed if possible. Although deep down I still love him, but I have to digest everything that has happened and slowly bring that flame back to it's full brightness...If things work out." I say closing my eyes.

Fleeting Embraces, Falling Feelings ~ Naraku X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now