chapter 1 the letter

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Me and my little brother Tyler were on our way to the store to buy some stuff we were going camping on our own so we had to grab some shit. Our abusive father wasn't keen but her said fuck it get out of my site gave us £100 to spend. So me and Tyler were up the main street grabbing stuff as we went. 

Looking at the list we ticked each item off as we got it.

sleeping bags~^






As we paid for everything we put the stuff in our rucksacks as we ventured into the forest that was said to be cursed anyone that went in never returned or so the story goes. When we reached a podium in the woods surrounded by trees we set up camp putting our tents under the roof of the podium as rain was meant to be scheduled. Tyler got sticks for a fire as he assembled it I make a spark with some flint lighting the fire we sat.

we decided on telling ghost stories Tyler was 12 and loved horror films so I told him the myth of these woods "ok Ty I don't think you've ever heard this story" I tell him looking into his brown eyes. "ok so there once was a boy who loved a thing called 'creepypasta' when he discovered there was a forest called slenderwoods he ventured in" I spoke darkly "he went in on the 1st of February his parents thinking he was at a friends the truth was this boy had no friends he lied When he never returned his parents got worried a search party went out they never found him" my brother looked confused "he was rumoured to have died now anyone that go in the woods go in but never return there bodies never found. 

When  I finished we heard a twig snap I whisper to the 12 year old "hide quickly" he hesitated until we heard a voice and he hid in the tent. When he hid a man appeared from behind a tree I tried running but he tackled me. "are you (y/n) (l/n)" he asked I nod he sighed getting off me handing me two letters "good luck" was all he said before disappearing I blew the fire out heading to my brothers tent seeing him sleeping I smile going to my own tent.

I decide to open the letter the man gave me I see they have mine and my brothers name on them so I take mine opening it. What was written on the letter was very lets say creepy.

Dear, (y/n) (m/n) (l/n)

I am starting a summer camp this year due to high demand from my brother this camp is to find the next creepypasta. What you will need is, clothes, sleeping bag, pillow, cover and anything else you can bring your phone as long as you don't phone or text anyone. The camp will start tomorrow so please stand at the edge of the woods and look out for a bright yellow bus. Attendance is mandatory if you don't show up you will be killed.

~ Slenderman

"this is a joke, right?" I ask no one in particular I hear a noise from outside being curious I look out to see a boy in a blue jacket "this is no joke (y/n)" he spoke grabbing a bloody knife and running into the woods out of site. I quickly packed my tent up in my sleeping bag packing Tyler's stuff I woke him up. "what's up sis" he spoke yawning "no time to explain but we need to go were going to summer camp" I spoke not explaining the details he nodded putting shoes on and we headed to the edge of the forest where we were told to wait.

We stood for 5 minuets before a yellow bus pulled up we got on I saw a man with black eyes and a black mouth in a black rainbow poke a dot suit. "hello kids can I see your letters please" he asked I handed him them he nodded. "(y/n) and Tyler I'm splendourman but please call me splendy please take a seat" the man said Tyler didn't hesitate he got a seat I followed sitting besides the brunette.

I felt a tap on my shoulder as I looked I saw a girl with black hair and green eyes "hi my name is Katniss what yours" she asked smiling sitting on the seat to my left "I'm (y/n) nice to met you Katniss". Before we knew it we were deep in the forest. When we got off the bus we were greeted by a tall faceless man "welcome to camp creepypasta please follow me" this creature spoke we follow it to a stage with rows of benches "please take a seat as we will pair you up with a creepypasta" The tall man spoke.

"children my name is slenderman and I will be your host this summer lets start pairing you up with a creepypasta who will train you to kill, fight and fend for yourself" Slendermans voice boomed "ok first up we have Adam McKinstry you are with Jeff" the boy who is adam went on stage he had platinum blonde hair and light blue eyes. A man with a carved smile aproched him and they left a few names go by "Katniss Sutton you are with Liu" slender spoke again "good luck" I whisper to her she nods getting up a boy with stiches leads her away.

"Tyler (l/n) you are with sally" my little bro went up and a girl round about 10 pulled him off in the same direction as everyone else. "(y/n) (l/n) you are with bloody painter" being anxious I pulled my hood up getting up from my seat I felt everyone staring at me I got on the stage as the boy with the blue jacket from the woods approached me he lead me to a small cabin. He let me in "ok I have rules" he started I motion for him to continue "I don't talk much I start conversations when I draw don't disturb me and no looking at my face when were sleeping face the wall at all times do I make myself clear" he spoke a little loudly I nod. My hood falling down to revel my soft (e/c) eyes and (h/l) (h/c) sitting on the bed in the corner I sighed pulling out my portable keyboard I have in my rucksack taking headphones I had a feel about for some songs.

When I got the notes for afraid by the neighbourhood I played it through silently humming the words out loud. I guess Bloody painter heard we "music could be your weapon of attack" he spoke I nod thinking I go back to playing splendour came in saying there was a battle so we headed to the arena I was nervous I had my keyboard "its very unlikely you'll be picked" he spoke "hello camp tonight is a fight the rules are you will fight to death and your mentor cannot help" slender spoke pulling to names out the hat "ok tonight fighting will be Elise Montgomery and (y/n) (l/n) hearing my name being called is like being shot. 

Standing up I headed to the ring we went to our sides I pulled my keyboard out sitting on the ground playing strangest stranger by get scared she stopped confused I used that opportunity to hit the g note she fell to the floor I finished the job stabbing her with a arrow I wielded slender pronounced her dead and yada yada I headed back to the cabin with Bloody were he gave me a lecture on not g noting people.

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