Chapter 12

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Ever as before
Ever just as sure
As the sun will rise

Tale as old as time
Tune as old as song

Bitter sweet and strange
Finding you can change
Learning you were wrong

Certain as the sun
Rising in the east

Tale as old as time
Song as old as rhyme
Beauty and the beast x2

Helen is really cute when he does simple stuff like this "I love you" I told him as he said it back before we headed home and in hand. When we got in my brothers asked how it went and when I showed them the ring they smiled like Cheshire cats with grins from ear to ear. I and Helen smiled before heading to bed also after making Slender aware of our return to which he nodded leaving the nursery.

Our night was peaceful Jackson never woke up once as I and Helen chilled thinking about the return to camp creepypasta why the fuck slenderman needs more pastas I will never fucking know.

In the morning Jackson was still sleeping so I and Helen were able to get some work done on our wedding and where we are going to live. As hard as it is we need to move out Jackson is keeping people up and night when he is crying so it's time we left the mansion and got our own place to raise our son. Slenderman agreed with us along with my brothers so I and Helen had been looking for somewhere to stay.

When Jackson eventually woke up I ran to get him "hey buddy" he smiled up at me. Smiling at him I picked him up cradling him in my arms. As I got downstairs to Helen he was standing at the stairs waiting to see his son. When he saw him he grabbed him from my arms. He and Jackson played somewhat for a while until Jackson started crying signifying he was hungry Helen made him a bottle of milk shit whilst I sat with Jackson. When Helen returned I fed our son his tiny hands reached up towards the bottle and they tried to grasp it where I was holding the bottle. I and Helen laughed at him as he drunk the milk then I had to wind him and make sure he didn't get any milk stuck in his throat pipe when he definitely didn't Helen took him back again.

Then the funniest thing happened. Jackson was sick all of Helen's face including mouth region. I laughed as Helen was very unamused "you got a little something" I joked as he looked at me "you think a little help please" I laughed as I ran to get a towel to clean him off "well don't turn him into an aeroplane immediately after he's been fed you idiot" he laughed as I got as much sick off of him as I could "you might wanna take a bath it's all in your hair" "would you be joining me for said bath" I could tell he was joking "no I will not see as you don't get basic baby signals I need to look after our son whilst you wash the sick out your hair" he laughed and left.

I finally got to spend some quality time with my son as much as Helen is a great father he keeps taking Jackson, He baby hogging.

Jackson's big blue eyes stared up at me in amazement his small hands played with my hair his tiny fingers getting tangled in it. His black hair shone in the light of the family room. Slender then appeared "I believe I have found the perfect home for you and Helen" I looked at the faceless guy in front of me "where," I asked "just outside of the forest the house as 3 bedrooms which leave yo room to grow your family it also has a big yard" I nodded. "Well take it" slender nodded Helen then walked in "Slender found us a house" "really" he was shocked "3 bedrooms big yard I told him we'd take it" "Well let's get packing". For the rest of the day, I and Helen packed our shit then by the end of the night we were at our new place thanks to slender.

It was a beautiful house as we unpacked basics like beds and Jackson's crib we fell asleep exhausted.

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