Chapter 19

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I smiled and giggled at our son. He was turning one in 2 days. It feels like I only had him yesterday I can't believe my baby is going to be one. Before I know it he'll be sixteen going on his first hunt. Me and Helen both agreed when he turns sixteen then he can start killing until then he can train with us and his uncles. Jackson's blue eyes shone in amazement at everyone in the room we've been trying to get him to walk the now but he only wants to crawl and bum shuffle it's really cute when going downstairs he demands to sit on someone's knee and bum it down. It's funny as his little laughed can be heard from all around the mansion. Me and and Helen May have to move back in the now with everything going on. It was annoying as we got used to it being us three but it was for our safety our sons safety and everyone else's safety.

I smiled at my son as he began to fall back asleep when he was eventually sleeping again I kissed his head as Helen helped me carry him to his crib.

"Any news on Tim" I asked as they all shook their heads "we know he's getting better but apart from that Toby isn't telling anyone what's wrong with him" "I'm going to go talk to toby he's probably struggling" Helen nodded and took me to toby who was sleeping besides Tim. I shook him lightly and when he saw me his face lit up. "Hey toby you doing ok" he nodded "h-he's getting better which is good I can a-ask him finally to m-marry me" I smile at him "I'm sure he'll say yes when you ask him he loves you a lot toby" he smiled "I k-know he dose, I r-really hope he dose say y-yes when I ask him" I smile and nod "I'm 100% sure he will say yes".

When Toby is around me he isn't as shy and I thank Tim for that he brought the small twitchy boy out of his shell. He more regularly takes his mouth guard off and goggles. He isn't as self conscious either and he comes out his room more often. "I'm going to head to bed toby I'll check up on you in the morning" he nodded and I left him with Tim. Helen was waiting and swept me off my feet to our old room. As soon as we were in bed we both fell asleep. There was no talking as we both had long days and nights even though I slept I didn't actually rest. My mind was till active. So I was finally getting to relax properly and get a good nights sleep.


"Helen" I whispered to my sleeping fiancé "what" he grumbled "it's Jackson's first birthday" he quite literally shot out of bed. "Shit" he said before getting out of bed. "I'll go wake him up and you get dressed" I told him giving him a kiss on the check and he nodded.

As I walked into Jackson's room at the mansion I walked over to the crib where my sleeping son lay. His black hair covered his face he looks a lot like his dad when he sleeps. "Jackson," I spoke softly as I picked up the once sleeping baby. He gurgled out of happiness of seeing my face to which I smiled at. "Mama" he laughed as I smiled and headed to mine and Helens room "look who I've got" I spoke as I walked in and Helen saw his son. "Hey buddy who's birthday is it" Jackson kinda just stared at him like he was an alien before laughing and throwing his tiny arms around in excitement. I laughed at the one year old. As I was awake before Helen I was already dressed "let's go find your uncles" he smiled as me and Helen walked out the room with Jackson in my arms. As we got to the stairs we did the usual someone sat down and put the child in their knees and slide down the stairs. His laughs were loud as he enjoyed the experience, reaching the living room we saw everyone waiting they had planned a birthday party "SURPRISE" everyone yelled as Jackson smiled and laughed and Brian and Tyler ran up to their nephew. "Twler" Jackson small voice giggled as Tyler done a victory dance declaring he was the favourite uncle, Brian kinda just frowned "come on bud say Brian" "bwian" Brian laughed and took my son from my arms and danced around with him.

Me and Helen smiled at the moment of watching Brian bond with his nephew. Raven walked up to us as off the now camp creepypasta was paused and everyone was in the mansion "he seem like a happy kid, youse too are truly blessed with him" I smiled "we are" then she looked at us "yeah but your next kid well I should say kids I can't tell you much about the future but they may be a handful" I looked at her "you can tell the future" she nodded "it's something that caused me to get bullied a lot, people always wanting to know what the future had for them" I smiled "it's a unique gift" I said to her as she nodded. "There are few people who can look into the future" I smiled "go and try and get a cuddle off of Jackson before Brian dose something stupid" she laughed and tried to take the small child from the much taller guy.

As the day progressed Jackson became tired we did presents quite early in the day and we were having his birthday dinner then we were doing his cake. For dinner we got pizza and shit.

"Happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday dear Jackson happy birthday to you" we all sang as Jackson giggled and somewhat jumped up and down and Helen and I brought the cake to him we helped him blow out the candles.

After we celebrated a bit we took Jackson to his room this time he refused to go to sleep without a song.

"Am I free?
Or am I just lost in a thousand waves deep in the ocean, ocean, ocean?
Should I drown myself now?
Did you crash on me I know you're over thinking things,
But I need this, need this, need this from you so bad now
I'm not giving up, I'm not giving in.

Drown me out,
After all of this pain you won't see me.
Drown me now,
Through the fire and the smoke you can breathe me
Drown me out

Is it me
Or are you the same as the weather it makes me
Uneasy knowing, knowing
How unpredictable you can be
I'm not giving up, I'm not giving in.

Drown me out
After all of this pain you won't see me.
Drown me now
Though the fire and the smoke you can breathe me
Drown me out
Drown me out, just drown me out
Drown me out

Am I willing to make it
Willing to make up my mind
This decision is everything, everything
Am I willing to fake it
Willing to fake my whole life,
This is decision is everything, everything

You know, you know
This takes the life from me
Takes the life from me,
Life of me
You know, you know
This takes the life from me
Takes the life of me
Life from me

I'm not giving up, I'm not giving in.

Drown me out
After all of this pain you won't see me.
Drown me now
Though the fire and the smoke you can breathe me
Drown me out
Drown me out (just drown me out)
Drown me now
Just drown me out"

When we finished singing our son to sleep we lay him gently into the crib and me and Helen headed to bed. We chilled out for a bit before watching some Netflix. We also planned a bit for our wedding we decided to do an inverted wedding I was going to wear a black dress and he was also going to wear black. We aren't an ordinary couple so why have a ordinary when we can have a wedding that isn't normal.

We made a decision that sally and lazari would be our flower girls with Jackson being our ring bearer. We still had to discuss bridesmaids and grooms men and who was walking me down the aisle. We are in between Brian or slender.

When we eventually fell asleep we had a few pages of a note book full of ideas for the wedding. We did a few mock ups of our first 3 dances. What music we would use. Who would read a poem who would do the music who would be what. The only thing we were lacking was a mother of the bride. I guess we'll think of that later.

Right now all that matters is that we're happy together which we are and that Jackson has the best up bringing we can give him.


Authors note: I'm getting sad cause this book is coming to an end. I have a few more chapters planned like the return to the camp and the wedding a long with a few filler chapters. No lemons fuck no.

I can't believe I started this book last year and hear I am chapter 19 it's scary thinking like that. Also I just sat and downloaded 12 mp3 files. I live in Britain and the album beat kind of mess by get scared isn't on sale in the U.K. so I just sat and downloaded all the mp3 files and put them into documents and made the album. If anyone wants me to send the album to them PM me and I'll send you it.

Anyway I'm 14 now which is also scary, I never thought when I was 11 and writing my little pony fan fictions that'd I'd be here writing creepypasta fan fiction and actually having people who enjoy reading them. I finally got a good backstory for my oc better than I did when I was twelve anyway I'm planning on re-writing Hannah's story as I have some stuff to add. Anyway until next time

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