Chapter 11

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It's been a week since Jackson stopped breathing. He's fine now he's breathing on his own.

Helen was holding him he refused to let him go it was really cute to tell you the truth a father and son bond it was a special bond they had.

Helen was amazing with our son. He loved him a lot during the night if he woke up he usually told me to go back to sleep and he'd get him.

Jackson loved Helen as well he giggled and smiled when around him he was the same with me. He's a happy baby never crying unless it's important which is a blessing it's always quiet.

Helen handed me, Jackson, as he left to use the bathroom cradling my son in my arms I rocked him back and forth.

He looked up at me his bright blue ocean eyes shining as he looked at me with wonder. His tiny arms.

I hummed softly to him to which his tiny hands clapped together I smiled at him.

"I'm not afraid anymore I'm not afraid, forever is a long time, but I wouldn't mind spending it by your side" I softly sung to Jackson as he smiled grabbing my hands in his small ones.

Then slenderman came in the room "camp creepypasta is starting again (y/n) you will need to be a trainer don't worry you and Helen will be working together and Jackson can be around you". As I took this in Helen came into which slender quickly explained to him to which he nodded.

"Back to the place we first meet" I laughed as he sat down "this time together with Jackson" he smiled as Jackson snores softly I hadn't realised he had fallen asleep. I cradled him in my arms as Helen smiled looking at his son. "Jackson Otis" I pondered as Helen smiled "always knew the name was to exist and now it doses" I laughed at him as I leaned against his side.

As I carried Jackson upstairs to his crib Helen followed me, Helen silently opened the door to the nursery walking in I placed the sleeping baby in the crib smiling softly at my son. Leaving the room Helen closed the door "Well see I told you he was a strong kid always able to pull through" I smiled at Helen as his arm snaked around my shoulders pulling me close.

"I Love You" Helen whispered to me smiling "I love you too Helen".

"Go get dressed," he told me "why," I asked "were going on a date" he laughed "whos watching Jackson," I asked "don't worry Slender has agreed to watch him" Slender then appeared with his kiss the cook apron on at makeup "Don't ask" slender muttered.

Holding in a laugh I went and got changed as I and Helen headed out the door my brothers seemed overly excited.

Helen covered my eyes once we had left. "What are you doing Helen," I asked him "Our date is a surprise" I laughed as he guided me. We walked for a while before he removed his hands "open your eyes" he whispered as I opened them I saw a candlelight table next to the river. I looked at Helen "You did this" "with the help of your brothers" Laughing we sat down Helen pulled out my seat for me pushing it in once I sat. "Acting like a gentleman, out of character for you" I joked as he rolled his eyes "anything for the one I love" we laughed.

Helen then lifted a silver dish from under the table, he lifted a cloth from it revealing our food "slender made the food" we both began eating what was on the plate which just so happened to be chicken and salad. As we spoke Helen began growing nervous his hands shaking. 

I placed mine on his "Hey what's up" I asked him as he smiled. He looked down then up before standing up and reaching into his pocket.

"I don't really know how to do this so I'm going to skip the soppy stuff" nodding he continued "I really don't know how to word this I've been working with your brothers all week to perfect this which I still haven't done but it's now or never am I right" I laughed at him.

He then proceeds to get down on one knee, "so (Y/n) (l/n) will you marry me, do me the honour being my wife" he asked sweetly as I was shocked tears of happiness brimmed my eyes. Nodding I couldn't form words. "Yes," I screamed as a sense of relief washed over him as he slipped the ring on my finger. 

"Would you like to dance with me, my lady?" He asked reaching his hand out like in all those cliche Disney movies where the prince has his first dance with the princess. I took his hand to which he played the most cheesy music ever.

Guess what song.

Beauty and the beast.

That's what song.

Tale as old as time
True as it can be
Barely even friends
Then somebody bends

Just a little change
Small to say the least
Both a little scared
Neither one prepared
Beauty and the beast

Ever just the same, Ever a surprise

Ever as before
Ever just as sure
As the sun will rise

Tale as old as time
Tune as old as song

Bitter sweet and strange
Finding you can change
Learning you were wrong

Certain as the sun
Rising in the east

Tale as old as time
Song as old as rhyme
Beauty and the beast x2

Helen is really cute when he does simple stuff like this "I love you" I told him as he said it back before we headed home and in hand. When we got in my brothers asked how it went and when I showed them the ring they smiled like Cheshire cats with grins from ear to ear. I and Helen smiled before heading to bed also after making Slender aware of our return to which he nodded leaving the nursery.

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