Chapter 7

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It's been another week and I am still alive with 3 others who are Adam, Katniss and Ari. Only 4 of us left as Slender ordered a 4-way fight tomorrow last two standing will be a creepypasta.

My brothers and Helen were helping me train as I trained more with using music as my weapon and a bow and arrow along with more hand to hand combat. I landed a square go in Helen's abdomen as he fell back "Sorry" I apologized he laughed sitting up "it's fine baby". I smiled lightly at him before helping him up "you think you will win" Hoodie asked me " I don't know we can only hope for the best".

"We should do stamina training" Helen suggested so Tyler jumped on my back for a piggyback ride as I ran a few laps of the training area. Eventually, I couldn't carry Tyler's weight anymore, therefore, dropping him on my 15th lap. "Yeah, I think her stamina is ok" Hoodie commented Helen nodded, "I think that should do, I think you're prepared" Helen spoke looking at Hoodie who nodded.

Helen picked me up bridal style before running off "Painter give us our sister back" Tyler and Hoodie yelled chasing us as I laughed. Helen continued to run before stopping at a cave as we hid in it.

Tyler and Hoodie eventually found us, we all walked back to camp as I prepared for my almost definite death tomorrow. Tyler noticed my uneasiness along with Helen "Hey, you'll be ok I know you will win" Helen whispered in my ear before embracing me from behind. "Adam isn't that strong nor is Ari I've watched them train" Tyler spoke as I nodded. When we eventually reached camp we bid our goodbyes as Helen and I headed to our cabin hand in hand, climbing into bed he wrapped his arms around me "I love you baby" he whispered before kissing my neck "I love you too" I whisper back turning to him. He smashed his lips onto mine and let's just say stuff happened.

In the morning we both quickly got ready before heading to the arena. All the creepypastas were there even my brother.

Sitting down Slender spoke "Children, there is no longer to be a fight to sudden death each of our remanding competitors seems to have shown great strength as resilience during all fights. One of our Tributes brother is now an official creepypasta it's only fair to not separate them but she has certain skills no other proxy has shown. Each tribute as certain skills, not all proxies have to make you all unique I would like to welcome our official creepypastas to our family. May we welcome (y/n) (l/n), Adam Mckinstry, Ari Speirs and Katniss Hemmings. May you four please stand with your trainer". 

We stood up as every clapped welcoming us to the family my younger and older brother embraced me as Helen stood awkwardly. When they released me Helen embraced me lifting me up and spinning me around. I kissed his cheek as he lowered me "Helen" I whispered as he nodded "I love you" he smiled "I love you too baby girl" laughing at the name. He kissed my nose, my brothers, gagging at the scene we laughed at my brother's childish behaviour as Helen kissed my lips long and passionately "Get a room!" Tyler yelled as I and Helen parted laughing softly.

4 Weeks later

It has been a month since winning camp creepypasta with 3 other tributes. It has also been a month since me and Helen 'got under the sheets'. I haven't had my period this month Katniss was away to the pharmacy to get me a test I was terrified. She chapped the bathroom door as I Shakely stood up. Opening the door the bathroom door she handed me the pink box "Tell me what it says" she whispers as I close the door again.

Doing what you do taking the test I read the results 3 minutes later. A few tears leaked from my eyes it was positive.

I let katniss in as I sobbed "How am I going to tell Helen" I asked her "Just be direct and ask to speak to him alone" "what if he leaves me" "He won't if he does he is a dick and doesn't deserve a girl like you".

Grabbing the test I went to find Helen when I found him I called him over "we need to talk privately" he nodded as we went to our room. 

What's wrong baby" he asked wrapping an arm around me I sighed handing him the test then covering my face he looked at it then at me then back at it "I'm sorry" I apologize he smiled "don't be I couldn't be happier, how are we gonna tell your pesky brothers about this little one" he spoke poking my stomach as I laughed softly "also how are we gonna tell slender," I asked as he shrugged. 

"Let's just focus on those brothers of yours" I laughed as he grabbed my hand leading me to Tyler's room as we got him we went to find Hoodie finding him we went somewhere private.

"So you may be wondering why your here" Helen started my brothers looked concerned before nodding "WERE PREGNANT" we both shout as anger floods over Hoodies face "HELEN YOU GO MY SISTER KNOCKED UP ARE YOU MAD" he screamed as Helen backed up "Brian calm down were happy together" I spoke as he calmed down "I'm sorry congrats guys, Helen I swear to Zalgo you better protect and support her" Helen nodded as my brothers hugged us. I smiled I had the perfect little family ever I love them so much.

Hey, guys no need to panic we don't need a Panic! at the disco. This isn't the end don't worry I have so much planned for this so keep on the lookout I enjoy writing this so I don't plan on ending it anytime soon. Anyway, happy new years eve,eve Next chapter will be out tomorrow night hopefully till then. 

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