Chapter 6

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After training, we went back to the cabin 'come on Helen you need to ask her before its too late' i had an idea a scavenger hunt.

Once she was sleeping I started setting it up putting the first note on my bed watching from the roof.

(y/n) POV

I woke up seeing Helen, not in his bed but a note, going over I saw it had writing on it 'no shit sherlock' i though. It read;

'dear (y/n) if you are reading this which you probably are you may realise I am missing. This is the start of our little game if you wish to find me just solve this simple riddle and you'll find me in no time. The next hint is where we first met.'

I had to think where we first met "THE STAGE" I yell racing to the centre of camp where the stage was seeing Katniss there "Hey Kat" I greet as she waved "what's up?" she asked, "Painter set me a scavenger hunt you haven't seen a piece of paper have you?" I questioned she nodded handing me it smiling she smiled back walking away.

'well done (y/n), you found the second hint. The next segment to our little game is just over the hill where your brother is buried, standing there should be hoodie he has your next clue, good luck'

I raced for the hill I know very well like Helen said there was hoodie. "Hey Painter told me to give you this" he handed me a piece of paper "thanks bro" he nodded as I read the note.

'Well done again (y/n) you're good at this the next clue is a little harder as we move onto the fourth segment of the game. Here is the clue; a place Toby would most likely be found'

I thought long and hard "The kitchen" I mumbled as Hoodie gave me a thumbs up I raced to the kitchen to find a wild Toby eating away at some ice cream. "o-oh h-hey (y/n)" he smiled at me as I smiled back "I a-assume you c-came h-here looking f-for this" he suggested holding a note as I nodded he passed me it as I read it.

'ok you passed the wild toby, you're stronger than i thought. Anyway lets not get sidetracked head back to the cabin and climb to the roof for your next clue'

Sighing I head back to the cabin climbing to the roof I saw Helen sitting their amusement clear on his face I mumbled some colourful words as he stood up. He chuckled slightly "that was funny, watching you run around camp all day" I muttered some more colourful words as he chuckled again which was quite cute.

"Look at the sky" I looked to see the sunset "It's beautiful" I gasped in amazement as Helen sighed "not as beautiful as you" he spoke softly approaching me. I looked at him shocked "thanks, I think" I was flustered as Helen took his mask off revelling his Strong jawline and ocean eyes they were a deep blue but shimmered in the light. Pink dusted his cheeks as he looked at me confusion grew in my head. "I need to ask you something, i-its quite i-important" he was stuttering that was cute. He rubbed the back of his neck as he sighed "I need to ask you this, will you be my girl" I was shocked taking a minute to take in what he said my cheeks getting darker eventually I found words.


He looked at me a smile gracing his lips as he came closing pulling me into a tight embrace allowing her foreheads to touch before eventually closing the gap. As his lips danced with mine it felt like a thousand fireworks were going off it felt right, my arms eventually found their way around his neck as my hands played with his ebony black hair. 

Pulling away for air he smiled saying 3 words ill treasure "I love you"

"I love you too"

He grabbed my hand interlocking our fingers I smiled as he leads me off the roof we went into our cabin and I found our beds pushed up together to create a double bed as he smiled. "we should sleep" he yawned as I agree as we both climbed into bed as wrapped his arms around me kissing my nose as I giggled softly.

The only thing that would complete this would be if Tyler was alive Helen noticed my mood change "What's up" he asked "just missing Tyler" he looked happy "Don't worry I have a surprise you'll see it in the morning" I nodded lying there in his arms. I loved this boy, I can't get too comfy there is still this camp I'll try and get out alive for him and Ty.

Getting up in the morning Helen covered my eyes with his hands leading me somewhere before removing his hand "open your eyes" he whispered. Opening them I saw my beloved little brother "Tyler is that you" I ask tears brimming my eyes as he nodded "How" I ask "Slender revived him so he is an official pasta now he had to wait, it takes time to find someone's soul to resurrect them" Helen explained Tyler ran to me engulfing me in a hug before releasing me he went to Helen. "You really love my sister don't you" Helen nodded "Listen Helen you are a great guy but if you hurt her in any shape or form you've got me and Hoodie to deal with". I was confused when he said hoodie so was Helen "Hoodie adopted me and you he's our older brother (y/n)" I smiled softly has Helen grew fearful.

Kissing Helen's cheek my brother pulled a face "EWWWW, get a room" he laughed as I and Helen giggled at him. He's still the same old Tyler. 

Tyler being Tyler then asked "when am I getting nieces or nephews" 

I and Helen laughed awkwardly "how dose food sound," we asked him as he shook his head "I want a niece ore nephew so get working" he demanded as me and Helen blushed "there is plenty time for that besides this camp isn't the time or place Ty" I tried to convince him as he nodded giving me a hug and then giving Helen one before threatening him a few more times saying; I'll cut your dick off if you hurt her or watch your back, Helen.

Laughing at my petrified boyfriend I pecked his cheek again as he stole a kiss on my lips as my brother yelled again as Hoodie walked in "Bro!" Tyler yelled running to the hooded boy who laughed "I'm guessing he told you" He asked me I nodded "also Helen congrats mate but you hurt her you will never see the light of day again or have kids ever" Helen hid behind me as I laughed.

Wow 4 nights in a row of updating in a row, that's a record for me hopefully next chapter will be out tomorrow night. Goodnight my readers.

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