Chapter 5

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Today was Tyler's funeral.

Was not excited who would be excited for a child's funeral or any funeral for that matter.

When we walked to the place it was being held it was an open casket seeing my brothers corpse was enough to start the waterworks as painter sniffled he wrapped an arm around my shoulders as we approached the casket. Tears ran down my face quickly as I stared at his dead body kissing his forehead I swept his hair back again. "I love you Ty" I whispered to him.

When I went up to the altar to read the poem I prepared I sobbed as Painter looked at me from our seats.

"You left without
Gone so fast.
Now all we have
Are memories
Of our past.

You are loved by so many.
You might not
Have known,
But in our hearts
Is where
You have grown.

The memories
I have throughout
The years
Will last
forever with
Laughter and tears.

We shared our
Since I was five.
My wish now will be
To have you back healthy
And alive.

I will miss you
Oh so much.
So will all
The lives that
You have

I can't say goodbye.
I can't accept
Your death.
You will live in my heart
Until my last breath," I read as tears streams from my eyes I sat down as painter held me in a hug that seemed to never end.

After the service I went back to the cabin and just cried what else was I going to do, I sat and let everything out a Painter came in "hey calm down, he wouldn't want to see you cry, you know this" He rubbed my back as the tears continued to flow down my face.  To think how much he has changed over the last few weeks is strange he went from being a jerk to being a sweetheart who likes hugs.

"did I ever tell you my real name?" he asked "no" I answered "well my name is Helen Otis, please only call me Helen when were in this cabin" I nodded.

My brother's trainer came in hoodie I think his name was, it was originally Sally but she fell ill.

"Hey how you holding up," he asked me "well I have been better" I tried to joke but it was failing hard. Helen and Hoodie spoke a bit before Hoodie left he gave me a quick side hug and he walked out closing the door gently behind him.

I ended up lying in my bed for the rest of the day. Despite his best effort, Helen couldn't get me to budge. He sat down on the bed beside me and never moved.

Helen's POV

I felt bad for her in the situation her little brother just died she's no one left. To tell the truth and be honest I do kinda have a small crush on her ok I'm lying I'm in love with her but still.

I can't fall in love with a mortal I'm a cold-blooded killer.

I don't know what to do anymore. My head is a mess soft snores could be heard from her as I sigh laying her blanket over her body I lay in my bed removing my mask I faced the wall eventually falling asleep.


I was in the kitchen with my wife and our twins. "Hey, Helen I'll start dinner" (y/n) kissing my cheek. I played with our son and daughter we all seemed so happy.

If only this was real.

"So hoodie was over early he wanted to spend time with his sister," I said to her she nodded "I'll phone him later" I nodded.

Our kids were beautiful each looked like us our daughter looked like me and our son looked like (y/n).

I wish it was reality everything was peaceful. 

I never wanted to wake from the dream pecking her lips she giggled as our kids laughed at us "oh daddy kissed mommy, daddy kissed mommy" they both chanted as we laughed our asses off cause it was really cute.

when bedtime came she sang the kids to sleep as I stood in the door frame smiling at my family.

"Hello there, the angel from my nightmare The shadow in the background of the morgue the unsuspecting victim of darkness in the valley we can live like jack and sally if we want, don't waste your time on me your already the voice inside my head, I miss you, I miss you" she kissed each of their heads once they were sleeping. 

She walked over to me and kissed my cheek before grabbing my hand and running to our room as i followed behind jumping bed I wrapped an arm around her waist kissing her nose she smiled. "I love you Helen" "I love you too baby" I reply as we both slowly fell asleep.

Dream over

Sitting up in bed (y/n) was still sleeping I wanted to climb in with her and just hold her in my arms.

Putting on my mask I sighed waking her up "let's go, you have training" she got up and went and got changed. We just did hand on hand combat cause we were both too lazy to do anything.

I love this girl a lot I'm even dreaming about her she landed a punch on my face as we laughed "nice punch" I laughed as she laughed as well. "I and Ty used to do this a lot" her smile instantly dropped and she looked at the floor. I lifted her chin using my hand "he wouldn't want to see you like this come on smile again" she smiled softly.

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