Chapter 16

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Jackson blue eyes stared at me "mama" he spoke his hands reaching out to me Jeff handed me his so he lay against my chest "hey baby" I spoke softly as Jackson cuddled into me. I wrapped my arms around him as Helen set me down against a tree and sat next to me. Jackson cuddled into me his tiny arms wrapped around me i brushed through his short hair as he fell asleep. Helen snaked his arm around me as we leant against the tree my head resting on his shoulder "I love you"I heard him whisper "I love you too" I reply Helen rested his chin on top of my head then kissed my forehead and his sons forehead. Raven approached us and sat down "what the hell happned back there who were those people" "I don't know none of us know all we know is they want us dead" raven nodded "well they aren't going to get youse dead or alive you are all like one big family and you guys help each other I don't think they'll kill you" I smiled "we can never be sure" her silver hair fell in front of her face as she swept it back Brian came up to us "any feeling in your legs yet" he asked "no nothing still numb" he sighed "I'll alert Jack" I nodded and Helen nuzzled into my neck. "Helen" I whispered "what" he replied whining slightly as he was comfy "look at Jackson's face he looks like you when you sleep" Helen laughed as his sons eyebrows went up and down softly as he slept. I rocked Jackson back and forth he woke up which was good we kinda need to be moving "mama" he giggled as I laughed at him Helen slightly pissed he won't say dad.

"We need to get moving" I told helen as he nodded Helen picked me up "(cp/n) do you want me to take Jackson" Raven asked to which I nodded and handed him to her "follow us" I told her to which she nodded. We headed home to mine and Helens. Brian, Jeff, Tyler, Masky and Toby followed us there and we got in Jack was waiting to check my legs.

"Whatever was in that net was harmful" Jack stated "paralysis" one word made the world come crashing down "there is no reversing this unless I operate but there is a 90% chance you won't make it" I pondered "Jack I need to be able to walk I have a son I need to be there for him" Jack sighed "make sure you want me to operate I'm not doing it till you 100% sure you want me to do it".

I sighed "it's an easy choice I want you to do it even if I don't survive at least we know that we tried". Jack nodded as Helen kissed my forehead "it's a 10 hour operation I'll do it first thing tomorrow until then don't eat or drink" I nod and Jack chills on the couch. Resting my head on Helens chest as I was sitting on his lap I sighed Jackson was in Brian's arms softly sleeping.

I fell asleep to be awoken by Helen in the morning "time for your operation Jacks waiting" I smiled and nod as he picked me up taking me to the mansion where Jack was waiting. Helen lay me on the bed gave me a quick kiss and left. "Are you sure you want to do this" he asked getting the anaesthetic ready "yeah I'm sure" he nodded and injected the anaesthetic into my arm. "Count backwards from ten" '10,9,8,7,6.....' my vision went black as I heard nothing saw nothing felt nothing.

Helens pov

As (y/n) went in for her operation to fix the nerves in her legs I was nervous as fuck 'what if she doesn't make it' I shook the thought from my head it's going to be a long 10 hours.

Brian and Tyler tried to keep me distracted from the fact my fiancé was having a risky operation and could die. I owed it to those to guys they really try to hard. Tyler was really upset as well but he was trying not to think of the worse "Tyler come here" I said opening my arms for him and he jumped straight into them. "My sister may say she's strong but let's hope she proves it, our father always feared she would be too strong hence why he was abusive but also because he was generally a dick, lets hope she strong enough I think she is". A few stray tears fell from his eyes I wiped them "she will pull through she has to Tyler she got you, Jackson, Brian and me waiting for her" Tyler nodded not moving from my embrace.

'Brother-in-law bonding time' I thought he was soon to be my brother in law once me and (y/n) are married.

He eventually let go and started playing with Jackson. He recently started crawling and he was so fucking cute sometimes he'd give up and start bum shuffling he was a cute kid. Why the fuck is 10 hours so long this is painful I miss seeing (y/ns) smile and hearing her voice. I picked up Jackson as he giggled like baby's do "dada" I smiled "Finally" I laughed as everyone else laughed. I lay on the couch with Jackson who fell asleep I was waiting for Jack to come down and say that he was finished.


"That's the operation finished I don't know how it went so far only time will tell" I jumped up from the couch and Brian took Jackson as I rushed to the medical room where the love of my life lay. The faint beep of a heart monitor was heard and her soft breathing. Her eyes shut and her skin paler than usual I sat besides her taking her hand in mine. "Hey baby it's me the love of your life" I laughed softly "come on please wake up I miss hearing your voice" I placed my head against our hands on the bed as she lay there basically dead I wouldn't admit she won't pull through I know she will.

It's painful sitting there seeing your loved one having a 10% chance of surviving an operation. It's hard knowing if she didn't pull through she'd be leaving two brothers a son and a fiancé.

Her (h/c) lay behind her none moving head her breathing soft and shallow not occurring often as the heart monitor beeped. The IV dispenser dispensing fluids into her body every once in a while. The white medical room seemed to close in on us as I sat there. Holding the hand of the girl I love, the only girl I have loved and the only one I will until we have a daughter then that'll make two.

"By the time I was your age, I'd give anything
To fall in love truly was all I could think
That's when I met your mother, the girl of my dreams
The most beautiful woman that I'd ever seen.
She said, "boy can I tell you a wonderful thing?
I can't help but notice you staring at me
I know I shouldn't say this, but I really believe
I can tell by your eyes that you're in love with me."
Now son, I'm only telling you this because life can do terrible things.
Now most of the time we'd have too much to drink and we'd laugh at the stars and we'd share everything
Too young to notice and too dumb to care
Love was a story that couldn't compare.
I said, "girl can I tell you a wonderful thing?
I made you a present with paper and string
Open with care now, I'm asking you please
You know that I love you will you marry me?"
Now son, I'm only telling you this because life can do terrible things
You'll learn one day, and I hope and I pray that God shows you differently.
She said, "boy can I tell you a terrible thing?
It seems that I'm sick and I've only got weeks
Please don't be sad now, I really believe
You were the greatest thing that ever happened to me."
Slow, so slow, I fell to the ground on my knees
So don't fall in love there's just too much to lose
If you're given the choice then I'm begging you choose to walk away, walk away
Don't let it get you, I can't bare to see the same happen to you.
Now son, I'm only telling you this because life can do terrible things."

I sang softly to her as she dose to our son every night. It made me smile at the memories of her standing over his crib singing songs to hims songs like zombie by the cranberries or the light behind your eyes by my Chemical Romance. Fuck I miss her sweet angelic voice, I miss her (e/c) eyes. "Please wake up" I mutter as I rested my head on her mattress my hand still holding hers. I closed my eyes and wondered. Where would I be if I never met her, what would have happened to me.

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