Chapter 10

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So my pregnancy is tough Helen has stayed by my side during everything I am six months along and just went into labour "3 months premature Helen what if our kid dosent survive what if I don't survive" he kept reassuring me that we'll be fine. Eyeless jack rushed me to the hospital room along with Brian and Helen who were my birthing partners. Each holding one of my hands "I can see the head" yelled nurse Anne from the bottom of the hospital bed.

She alerted me to start pushing as I pushed eyeless jack and doctor smiley had to prepare an incubator to keep our baby in to make sure they were ok up until the 9 month mark.

As I pushed Brian and Helen held my hand talking to me reassuring me it would be over soon at some point if screamed "WE ARE NEVER DOING THIS AGAIN" Helen laughed at me. Soon enough I stopped pushing as a small cry was heard from nurse Anne's arms I couldn't hold them as they was premature and they were kept in the incubator. "It's a boy congratulations what do you want to call him" Jack asked as he had a clipboard and pen me and Helen looked at each other "Jackson" both of us said as jack nodded signing the paper.

We looked at the incubator to see this tiny human being in a towel with tubes coming from everywhere. I just stared at my son as Helen done the same my brothers meeting their nephew.

Our son was perfect maybe 3 months early but he isn't too underdeveloped. He won't open his eyes for another month I softly held his tiny hand in my larger one as Helen kissed my cheek "he'll be ok". He looked at his sons dark hair on his head "well we can safely say he has you hair Helen" I spoke to him as he wrapped his arms around me from behind. He rested his head on my shoulder as he kissed my cheek again "I love you and jackson" he whispered into my ear as my brothers left the room. We continued to look at our son before I ended up in bed sleeping.

The next 3 months were tough Jackson was finally allowed to be out of the incubator when I first got to hold Him it was weird he was tiny. Helen smiles softly as I held our son on the couch downstairs Jackson babbling away as I smiled at him. Helen wrapped an arm around me as our tiny son smiled at me and his dad.

Anyway we thought everything was normal until Jackson started having breathing difficulties. Rushing him to eyeless jack he was shocked. He had to move quickly connecting our son to an oxygen machine helping him breathe and a few more machines. "His breathing is unstable there is a 70% chance he won't make it" jacks voice was breaking "I'm sorry" he whispered before turning away and writing in some paper. Me and Helen stay next to our few days old baby hooked up to these machines.

Silent tears fled my eyes as Helen held me tight "come on jackson wake up baby" I whispered to our son as Helen watched helplessly the faint beep on the heart rate monitor. As we say our baby boy began to flat line as jack and doctor smiley rushed in. Doing CPR in the best efforts to save Jackson Helen removed me from the room holding me against him drawing circles in my back to calm me down as I cried into his shoulder. "Shhhh it's ok baby, he's a strong kid he'll be fine" despite helens efforts tears flowed down my face. Jack walked out the room seemingly sad "Jackson pulled through he's alive in a somewhat stable condition" hearing this news caused me and Helen to smile "thank zalgo he's ok" I spoke softly walking in to see my son in a crib awake with an oxygen mask on.

Walking up to him I brush his hair back from his face as his baby hands grasp my hand playing with my fingers. My brothers came in looking at their nephew "strong and percisrant" just like his mother Brian whispered as Tyler nodded "he looks a lot like Helen but with small aspects of you" I looked at Tyler as he spoke before looking back at my son how I wish this never happened to him Helen came in the room which I hadn't noticed he left he entered with some food. Handing me the plate I ate small things as our son lay falling asleep "I wish I could take this away from him" I said to Helen as he sighed "he will pull through I promise you" my brothers comforted me as I sighed looking at my baby lying there sleeping connected to machines.

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