Chapter 3

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I woke up to a light beeping beside me and soft snoring to my right. Opening my eyes I saw white chipped walls to my left there was an IV drip and a heart monitor connected to my left arm. To my right was a sleeping Bloody Painter with his mask on.
Looking at the ceiling I stared at the patterns I heard some rustling of my right side, deciding it was the only painter I continued staring at the ceiling. "what happened yesterday" he asked me in a gruff sounding morning voice. Looking at him "must have exhausted myself" I told him simply, he looked at me nodding "there's a fight tonight your sitting out training starts back tomorrow for you" I nod and sit up.

I rested that day painter besides me my brother also visited at one point with his coach 'I want outta here' was on my mind all day I couldn't wait for the day after today as I'd be back to training.

I fell asleep to the faint beeping of the heart rate monitor beside me.

I was awoken in the morning by a certain white smiling mask "get up you have training" he mumbled as I sighed sitting up I got out of the hospital bed as he handed me some of my clothes. Going into the toilet I got changed into the leggings and sports hoodie. When we left the hospital painter was silent when my brother saw me he was ecstatic.

"(Y/N) YOUR ALIVE" he yelled running toward me I laughed lightly as he embraced me in a hug. I laughed softly at my brother embracing him back, we stood in an embrace for a minute before I had to leave to train "I'll find you later Ty I promise" He nodded as I and Painter left to train we practised knife throwing and other shit that was boring. 

After training, I walked around camp for a bit bored as I saw my brother run up to me "hey Tyler" I spoke softly to him as he smiled. He complained about how he was tired so he asked me to sing him to sleep I obeyed as he led me to his cabin going in he lay on the bed as I tucked him in sitting next to him. "Can you sing the song about the hanging tree" I nodded "are you, are you coming to the tree. They strung up a man they say who murdered three, strange things did happen there no stranger would it be. If we met at midnight in the hanging tree."

As Tyler fell asleep I didn't see his trainer come in with Painter I continued softly singing to Tyler when he was fully asleep I kissed his forehead "Goodnight Ty, Love you" I whispered to him before sweeping his hair back standing up I saw the two teenage boys standing staring at me "What?" I questioned them as they shrugged "he's not slept like that since he got here thanks" Hoodie said I nodded "He gets anxious in new places" I quickly explain to him as he nodded.

Painter dragged me out the Cabin back to our cabin as I was missing tonight's fight I lay in my bed questioning our existence before turning to the side facing the wall and trying to fall asleep as best as I could.

I heard shuffling signifying Painter was in his bed my eyes slowly began to grow heavy as I fell into a dream-filled sleep.


Whilst investigating the death of a local doctor, a smart housekeeper called (y/n) (l/n) uncovers a legend about a supernaturally-cursed, cursed ruler circulating throughout the woods. As soon as anyone uses the ruler, he or she has exactly 15 days left to live.

The doomed few appear to be ordinary people during day to day life, but when photographed, they look translucent. A marked person feels like a frantic mouse to touch.

(y/n) gets hold of the ruler, refusing to believe the superstition. A collage of images flash into her mind: a short elephant balancing on a minuscule doctor, an old newspaper headline about an apocalyptic accident, a hooded hamster ranting about abs and a drinking well located in a sleepy place.

When (y/n) notices her arms have mouse-like properties, she realises that the curse of the cursed ruler is true and calls in her brother, a teacher called Tyler (l/n), to help.

Tyler examines the ruler and willingly submits himself to the curse. He finds that the same visions flash before his eyes. He finds the short elephant balancing on a minuscule doctor particularly chilling. He joins the queue for a supernatural death.

(y/n) and Tyler pursues a quest to uncover the meaning of the visions, starting with a search for the hooded hamster. Will they be able to stop the curse before their time is up?


Well then that was a strange ass dream facing the wall I sigh as I can't sleep any more. All of a sudden someone bursts in the door ranting and raving "TYLER HAS BEEN KIDNAPPED" I shoot up outta bed a painter does the same. Grabbing clothes I rush to get ready prepared to save my little bro. 'Don't worry Ty ill save you'  i think grabbing a random weapon which happened to be a bow and arrow Painter followed me as we took to the wood yelling for tyler it was no use. Sighing I sank down by a tree resting my head on my knees Painter takes notice coming over "Don't worry we'll find him" he tries to reassure me as I get up I look some more for him yelling his name loudly as tears slowly leak from my eyes.

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