Chapter 4

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It's no use we've been looking for hours. There was nothing of him no noise no movement painter ended up having to carry me as I refused to stop looking for my brother "he's all I've got left" I sighed as painter walked back to camp "we'll find him don't worry I promise We'll find him" he looked at me through his mask.

When we reached our cabin painter lay me on my bed as he lay down on his "father will kill me if I go home without Tyler" I mutter as painter stared at me "I won't allow him to (y/n) as long as you're here you're safe" his words were soft like he meant it I smiled softly. I hoped ty was ok and safe I was kidding myself I knew he was in some sort of danger "I just have a gut feeling he's in danger" I sat up talking as painter replied "trust your gut let's go" he grabbed my hand as we ran into the woods trying to find anything that could help us.

We screamed tylers name to no avail as I collapsed in tears the only good thing in my life gone, vanished like the window.

Painter came over sitting down beside me "we will find him even if it kills us I swear to you right now we will find him" he wrapped an arm around me pulling me into a short hug I hugged him back as we both pulled away we stood up venturing further into the woods.

Eventually, I found one of his shoes. "PAINTER!" I yelled as he came running over, seeing me hold my brother's shoe he stumbled back in shock as he examined the shoe he grabbed my hand as we ran in the direction the shoe was pointing. As we ran a scream was heard rippling through the forest me and painter glanced at each other before charging in that direction. 

"TYLER, I HEAR YOU" I scream into the wind as painter was screaming tylers name as well I was panicking.

"I have an idea of where he might be, jump on" he bent down as I jumped on his back he began running deeper into the forest to a black castle. Setting me down he went in "stay behind me, this place is dangerous"

As we walked through the halls I heard another scream as Painter walked quicker I followed as we went into the basement which looked like a dungeon. Looking into a cell I saw my brother beaten to a bloody pulp I ran up to the bars as he spotted me "L-leave h-here w-while y-you can" he whispered I refused as painter picked the lock I ran in. Quickly hugging my brother I picked him up as we ran out as we headed back to the camp Painter offered to carry my brother.

Tyler being Tyler tried to be funny "So... Painter do you fancy my sister" Painter looked at my brother like he had horns growing out of his head. Painter straight up avoided the question "Tyler don't talk we cant be spotted" My beaten brother nodded as we reached camp we ran to the nurse's station.

When EJ saw us he rushed Tyler to the theatre for a operation after 3 hours of me and painter sitting around Jack came back. "So he is alive but his heart isn't stable he has bleeding in the brain it doesn't look to severe, you can go see him" I ran into the small room seeing my little brother lying there on life support. A few tears ran down my face as I sat on the bed brushing his hair back "Tyler I love you little bro" I whispered his eyes opened and he asked me a question "can you sing for me sister" I couldn't say no as I nodded Painter stood at the door "another head hangs lowly Child is slowly taken when the violence causes silence. We must be mistaken. But you see it's not me its not my family, in your head, in your head, they are fighting. With their tanks and their bombs and their drones, in your head, in your head, they are crying. What's in your head, in your head, zombie, zombie, zombie"

I looked at my brother as his eyes were closed I then heard a sound ill never forget he started to flatline his heart was failing "JACK" I scream as he ran in performing CPR to my 12-year-old brother tears streamed down my face. Painter comforted me as he hugged me rubbing my back as Jack pulled away from my brother. "Time of death, 12:45 pm" he stated looking at his watch as I ran over to my brother's dead body screaming "COME ON TY, PLAYTIME IS OVER, PLEASE, WAKE UP" I broke down Painter just rubbed my back "I'm so sorry, he didn't deserve this" he was furious with who caused my brother this pain. 

I stood in silence staring at my brother's corpse all that was heard was Jack filling in my brother death certificate. When he handed me the piece of paper I sobbed harder "t-the only g-good thing in my l-life gone" I sobbed out as Painter pulled me into a hug rubbing my back trying to calm me down "why him?" I asked "I wish I could answer that" painter sighed as he continued to hug me.

I took one more glance at my brother gently kissing his forehead "I love you Ty" I whisper to him as EJ covered the corpse with a blanket as a few more tears leaked from my eyes.

Painter carried me back to our cabin as I was incapable of walking. As he lay me in my bed he whispered to me "you'll get through this, I'm here if you ever need to talk" he walked over to his bed i turned and faced the wall, hugging my brothers bear tightly as tears leaked from my eyes I heard Painter shuffle in his bed. 'He must be sleeping' my mind wanders eventually I fell asleep dreaming of my younger brother smiling as I sang him to sleep.

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