Chapter 13

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Then the funniest thing happened. Jackson was sick all of Helen's face including mouth region. I laughed as Helen was very unamused "you got a little something" I joked as he looked at me "you think a little help please" I laughed as I ran to get a towel to clean him off "well don't turn him into an aeroplane immediately after he's been fed you idiot" he laughed as I got as much sick off of him as I could "you might wanna take a bath it's all in your hair" "would you be joining me for said bath" I could tell he was joking "no I will not see as you don't get basic baby signals I need to look after our son whilst you wash the sick out your hair" he laughed and left.

I finally got to spend some quality time with my son as much as Helen is a great father he keeps taking Jackson, He baby hogging.

Jackson's big blue eyes stared up at me in amazement his small hands played with my hair his tiny fingers getting tangled in it. His black hair shone in the light of the family room. Slender then appeared "I believe I have found the perfect home for you and Helen" I looked at the faceless guy in front of me "where," I asked "just outside of the forest the house as 3 bedrooms which leave yo room to grow your family it also has a big yard" I nodded. "Well take it" slender nodded Helen then walked in "Slender found us a house" "really" he was shocked "3 bedrooms big yard I told him we'd take it" "Well let's get packing". For the rest of the day, I and Helen packed our shit then by the end of the night we were at our new place thanks to slender.

It was a beautiful house as we unpacked basics like beds and Jackson's crib we fell asleep exhausted.

We woke up to the door opening grabbing Jackson Helen and I walked downstairs to see the newest couple to the mansion Toby and Masky. The pair only just started dating but lord they were made for each other I hear wedding bells.

"We're here to help you unpack" me and Helen smiled at them as Toby took Jackson Masky proceeded to help Helen and I unpack and decorate slightly.

"I've been thinking" Masky began I looked at him Helen was decorating Jackson's rooms "about what" I asked "me and toby, I know we only just started dating but I want to propose to him" I smiled "go for it, take him somewhere he'd like, there's an old willow tree in the forest near the river take him there and ask him" Tim smiled "thanks" "no problem Tim you and Toby deserve the best" he smiled.

When we finished toby approached me and grabbed me "help" he said "what with" I asked him as he handed me Jackson "I really want to propose to Tim" I smiled "go for it Tobes, in the forest there's a willow tree near the river take him there and ask him" Toby smiled and hugged me and Jackson "thanks" I smiled and laughed.

As the happy couple left unaware that each other wanted to propose and we're going to do it on the same day I smiled. I handed Helen our son.

Just as we both relaxed Brian burst through the door "I'm just going to say it, I don't know what you will think of me after I say this but I'm gay" I smiled at him "Brian your still my brother no matter what" I told him "but there's a catch" I was confused so was Helen "I like Jeff". It was no secret Brian like Jeff the loudest of the pastas. "I'll help you" Brian nodded and I left to get ready as Brian sat with Helen and his nephew. Once I was dressed me and Brian left and Helen watched our son. During our stroll through the forest I explained to Brian what we would do.

"Brian you know the cliff with the oak tree and waterfall" I asked and he nodded "wait there I'll get Jeff" Brian smiled and we split ways. As I approached the mansion I kicked the door open "Jeff get your lazy ass up I saw target has a knife sale on" he bolted up from the couch "lead the way" he spoke as we left.

I took him nowhere near target in fact I took him to where Brian was. Once we arrived I disappeared into the shadows of the tree "where... what" Jeff noticed Brian. "Hey hoodie" Jeff spoke and walked over towards him.

Hoodie was nervous I could tell he's not good at hiding his emotions he looked towards me 'breath' I mouthed and he did. "Hey Jeff I need to tell you something" Jeff looked at the hooded guy in front of him "I seriously don't know how to say this but I'm gay" Jeff smiled at him "we knew you were gay" "yeah Jeff but the thing is I like you" Brian looked away from him and Jeff looked at him. Then unexpectedly Jeff grabbed Brian's chin with his hand and kissed him. Brian not wasting a second kissed back. I smiled and silently cheered "you hear that" Jeff whispered to Brian who shrugged I then walked out of the shadows. I laughed at Jeff "you set this up didn't you" he asked to which I nodded "I hear wedding bells" I joked as Brian and Jeff blushed I left the two lovebirds on the cliff and headed home to my son and handsome fiancé. As I walked in the door Helen tackled me "so what happened between Jeff and Brian" he asked. "Let's just say no one will sleep tonight in the mansion" I joked as Helen rolled his blue eyes at me "Jackson's in his crib it's just me and you" he told me "finally let's finish 13 reasons why" Helen nodded walking into the family room he had everything set up pecking his cheek we lay down on the couch and watched the show and ate the snacks he prepared. Once we finished we were to lazy to go up to our room we passed out on the couch.

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