Chapter 15

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"I'll train you first I'm more skilled in this stuff unlike painter" I told raven handing Jackson to his father who was still hopelessly trying to get him to say dada but all he said was mama and laughed. "So when youre using your nunchucks you need to stand with your dominant leg behind and you non dominate in front" Raven copied my stance and I continued to teach her how to throw and swivel them correctly to successfully not injure herself.

After training me and Helen sat with our son and raven joined us "he's cute a perfect mix of both of you guys" me and Helen chuckled "he looks more like his dad when he doesn't have his mask on but he has my face" Raven smiled. Jackson giggled "Da..." Helens eyes filled with hope "mama" I laughed as Helen sighed "come on bud just say dada" Jackson wasn't having it and laughed in Helena face. I giggled at Helen who rolled his eyes and raven played with Jackson.

Then we heard yelling "RUN" it was Brian "hoodie what the fuck" Jeff was following my brother closely and Toby and Tim following along with the rest of the pastas. We grabbed Raven who began running and Helen grabbed our son and I ran with the herd of people. "What the fuck is happening" I asked Tyler who was besides me "there's people trying to kill us" shit.

As we ran people jumped from trees dressed in white with weapons "(y/n) take Jackson and Raven run" he said "Helen I'm not leaving you" he sighed "fine please don't get hurt" I smiled at him we continued running. Then something heavy fell on top of Helen, Jackson and I. A metal net.

Jackson began crying I tried to comfort my son as Helen struggled to remove the net from us "(Y/N)!!!" I heard Brian and Tyler scream as they tried to remove the net from us Jeff, Toby and Tim joining. "Fuck this is heavy" Brian gritted his teeth trying to pull it off. I made a decision "Tyler take Jackson and run" I handed him Jackson throw a hole in the net his eyes filled with tears and Brian took Jackson and Jeff lifted Tyler and they ran.

I moved into Helens arms if this is how we die we go down together. "We go together or we don't go down at all" I sighed Helen rocked us back and forth slowly "did I ever tell you how much I love you" "Helen don't you dare leave me" he smiled softly at me "I love you so much" he told me "I love you Helen" he held me against his chest. "We'll get out of here don't worry we'll get out of the net. Slender then appeared in front of us "children what happened where's Jackson" "Brian has Jackson they threw a net on us" slender was concerned and quickly removed the net.

Helen pulled me up I was too weak to walk the net had clamped down on my legs "I can't feel my legs" Helen looked at me concerned and picked me up and began running. We ran and eventually made it to a clearing in the forest. When we got there devastation hit Tim lay on the ground in the arms of Toby who was crying Tim covered in blood. Brian and Jeff stood with Tyler and Jackson raven was having a panic attack. "Helen I'm going to help raven get Jackson" helen nodded "Raven it's me" she looked at me "what's 5 things you can see" "you, trees, grass, clouds, blood" "4 things you can touch" "my knees, grass, tree bark, flowers" "3 things you can smell" "water, blood, sweat" "2 people" "me and you" "and a deep breathe" by now she had calmed down and jumped into my arms "it's over now hopefully" she nodded. As me and Raven walked back over to Helen well more like me dragging myself as I have no feeling in my legs. As we got over Helen picked me up again "is she ok" Brian asked and Tyler looked at me concerned "she lost feeling in her legs whilst in the net it clamped around them and she has no feeling" Brian nodded and Tyler gave me some sort of hug whilst I was in Helens arms. Jeff was holding Jackson "mama" Jackson splurged out as Jeff laughed "haha Helen still says mom not dad" I laughed as Helen rolled his eyes. He lost his mask whilst running the net cracked it into small pieces.

Jackson blue eyes stared at me "mama" he spoke his hands reaching out to me Jeff handed me his so he lay against my chest "hey baby" I spoke softly as Jackson cuddled into me. I wrapped my arms around him as Helen set me down against a tree and sat next to me. Jackson cuddled into me his tiny arms wrapped around me i brushed through his short hair as he fell asleep. Helen snaked his arm around me as we leant against the tree my head resting on his shoulder "I love you"I heard him whisper "I love you too" I reply Helen rested his chin on top of my head then kissed my forehead and his sons forehead. Raven approached us and sat down "what the hell happned back there who were those people" "I don't know none of us know all we know is they want us dead" raven nodded "well they aren't going to get youse dead or alive you are all like one big family and you guys help each other I don't think they'll kill you" I smiled "we can never be sure" her silver hair fell in front of her face as she swept it back Brian came up to us "any feeling in your legs yet" he asked "no nothing still numb" he sighed "I'll alert Jack" I nodded and Helen nuzzled into my neck. "Helen" I whispered "what" he replied whining slightly as he was comfy "look at Jackson's face he looks like you when you sleep" Helen laughed as his sons eyebrows went up and down softly as he slept. I rocked Jackson back and forth he woke up which was good we kinda need to be moving "mama" he giggled as I laughed at him Helen slightly pissed he won't say dad.

"We need to get moving" I told helen as he nodded Helen picked me up "(cp/n) do you want me to take Jackson" Raven asked to which I nodded and handed him to her "follow us" I told her to which she nodded. We headed home to mine and Helens. Brian, Jeff, Tyler, Masky and Toby followed us there and we got in Jack was waiting to check my legs.

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