Chapter 14

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"Brian you know the cliff with the oak tree and waterfall" I asked and he nodded "wait there I'll get Jeff" Brian smiled and we split ways. As I approached the mansion I kicked the door open "Jeff get your lazy ass up I saw target has a knife sale on" he bolted up from the couch "lead the way" he spoke as we left.

I took him nowhere near target in fact I took him to where Brian was. Once we arrived I disappeared into the shadows of the tree "where... what" Jeff noticed Brian. "Hey hoodie" Jeff spoke and walked over towards him.

Hoodie was nervous I could tell he's not good at hiding his emotions he looked towards me 'breath' I mouthed and he did. "Hey Jeff I need to tell you something" Jeff looked at the hooded guy in front of him "I seriously don't know how to say this but I'm gay" Jeff smiled at him "we knew you were gay" "yeah Jeff but the thing is I like you" Brian looked away from him and Jeff looked at him. Then unexpectedly Jeff grabbed Brian's chin with his hand and kissed him. Brian not wasting a second kissed back. I smiled and silently cheered "you hear that" Jeff whispered to Brian who shrugged I then walked out of the shadows. I laughed at Jeff "you set this up didn't you" he asked to which I nodded "I hear wedding bells" I joked as Brian and Jeff blushed I left the two lovebirds on the cliff and headed home to my son and handsome fiancé. As I walked in the door Helen tackled me "so what happened between Jeff and Brian" he asked. "Let's just say no one will sleep tonight in the mansion" I joked as Helen rolled his blue eyes at me "Jackson's in his crib it's just me and you" he told me "finally let's finish 13 reasons why" Helen nodded walking into the family room he had everything set up pecking his cheek we lay down on the couch and watched the show and ate the snacks he prepared. Once we finished we were to lazy to go up to our room we passed out on the couch.

We're now back where me and Helen first met the side of the stage as a bunch of unaware kids sat Slender read names off a list "Raven Torador you will be with (cp/n) and Bloody Painter" me and Helen walked onto the stage with Jackson in my arms I handed him to trender who agreed to look after him but keep him on the camp premises. A young girl with glowing green eyes walked up onto the stage silver hair dropped by her face me and Helen smiled at her softly. She smiled back as we led her to our cabin one single bed and a double for me and Helen. "So raven is it" Helen asked and she nodded "I'm bloody painter and this is my fiancé (cp/n)" raven smiled "you guys are cute together and was that your son" she asked "yeah that's our son Jackson" I answered her "it's funny really me and Painter met here, I was in your place last year he was my trainer" Raven smiled "did you always know you guys liked each other" "no actually when I first arrived he was a total dick to me" Raven giggled "guys are generally dicks" I laughed at her. "They are but I got lucky with him he's not as bad as he seems". Helen pouted at me "so raven how was your home life" Helen asked her I face palmed way to go Helen. "My home life was nonexistent i was homeless" me and Helen looked at her "well your not homeless anymore whilst your here you have a home" I told her "anyway we should go get you a weapon and start training you" she nodded as we left the cabin and towards the weapon she'd which hadn't changed one bit from the last time we were here.

Helen wrapped an arm around me and trender appeared in front of us "he was demanding to see you" me and Helen giggled and took our son from trender "Raven go in that shed a pick your weapon chose carefully and see what calls to you" I told her and she nodded heading in. Me and Helen played with Jackson "" I smiled "in your face Helen he said mama first" Helen sighed in defeat "Jackson say Dada" Helen tried to get him to say it "mama" Jackson replied and Helen shook his head. I laughed softly before picking up my son and spinning him around a bit. Jackson giggled cutely he was a really happy kid around us. I kissed his forehead as his blue eyes shone brightly he then attempted to kiss me back it was like a fucking crocodile trying to eat my face. Me and Helen laughed softly smiling at our nearly one year old son. "Can't believe he'll be one soon" I sighed "feels like we only had him yesterday how the fuck has time went by like this". Raven the walked out the shed with some nunchucks "think these are the right fit" she said spinning them me and Helen nodded "trender we're taking Jackson to the training ground can you get him near dinner" trender nodded and left. "Raven this is Jackson" I told her and she smiled at Jackson, Jackson giggled softly his black hair moving in the wind and with every movement he makes.

"I'll train you first I'm more skilled in this stuff unlike painter" I told raven handing Jackson to his father who was still hopelessly trying to get him to say dada but all he said was mama and laughed. "So when youre using your nunchucks you need to stand with your dominant leg behind and you non dominate in front" Raven copied my stance and I continued to teach her how to throw and swivel them correctly to successfully not injure herself.

After training me and Helen sat with our son and raven joined us "he's cute a perfect mix of both of you guys" me and Helen chuckled "he looks more like his dad when he doesn't have his mask on but he has my face" Raven smiled. Jackson giggled "Da..." Helens eyes filled with hope "mama" I laughed as Helen sighed "come on bud just say dada" Jackson wasn't having it and laughed in Helena face. I giggled at Helen who rolled his eyes and raven played with Jackson.

Then we heard yelling "RUN" it was Brian "hoodie what the fuck" Jeff was following my brother closely and Toby and Tim following along with the rest of the pastas. We grabbed Raven who began running and Helen grabbed our son and I ran with the herd of people. "What the fuck is happening" I asked Tyler who was besides me "there's people trying to kill us" shit.

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