Chapter 18

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Now don't lose your fight, kid (Don't lose your fight, kid),
It only takes a little push to pull on through (push to pull on through),
With so much left to do
You'll be missing out, and we'll be missing you".

Finally he successfully put his son to bed he then returned to his fiancé who still lay still in the hospital bed he noticed Toby had fell asleep like Helen as done these past few nights. Helen then returned to sitting in the set next to (y/ns) bed and held her hand in his.

As his eyes got droopy he lay his head once again on the mattress keeping her hand in his. As he closed his eyes he had dreams of them finally getting married hearing her voice again made him smile and cry at the same time. He missed her, she is the love of his life and nothing is going to change that, he knows she will wake up, he can feel it in his bones that she will. Everyone knows she's going to wake up she's always been a fighter and she's going to stay that way. She's told everyone no matter what she will always be there for Jackson her brothers and most of all the love of her life Helen. The only man besides her brothers that has ever treated her with respect. The only man who has comforted in her worse times. Smiled with her in her best times and just been with her through everything.

When Helen first fell for her he didn't want to admit his feelings. He wasn't meant to feel like that for the girl he was training to be a pasta. When he first met her he knew she would be a lucky one and make it out alive. He was right. She did make it out alive now let's hope she wakes up Jackson was turning one is 3 days. She wouldn't want to miss her sons first birthday.

(Y/n) pov

A black void is all I can see. I can't see nothing but then a light showed up and a women approached me "it isn't your time yet, there is a handsome man waiting for you to awaken daughter" a few tears fell from my eyes "mother" I asked as she smiled and opened her arms I ran into them "I see you have your own family, I have a grandson" I nodded at her "promise me one thing (y/n)" I looked at her as she released me from our hug "tell Tyler about me, he's met me when he died temporarily tell him you've met me" I smiled as she faded "I promise you mother I will" "good now wakes up".

3rd person pov

"H-Helen" a small voice spoke as the sleeping boy was shook gently. He sat up and noticed the love of his life had finally awoken. "(Y/N) you awake" he stood stunned as she smiled and nodded "it wasn't my time to leave you as my mother said" Helen engulfed the girl in a tight embrace. "I missed you, Brian missed you, Tyler missed you most of all our son missed you" she smiled at the black haired boy she fell hard for.

"Can you feel your legs now" he asked her "I don't know" she then proceeded to loved her legs "yeah, I can" the blue eyed boy smiled at her "do you want to see Jackson" (y/n) nodded as Helen picked her up "oh yeah Masky got really Ill he flat lined Toby hasn't left his side he's back with us now thankfully and he's getting better" the (h/c) girl smiled "at least he's getting better". As Helen walked into the room where Jackson was sleeping he placed his fiancé down gently as she grabbed onto the crib to keep her balance. One of her hands reached into the crib and swept her sons hair back. She looked away for a second "mama" a small tired voice came from the crib "hey baby, it's me" the small boy reached his arms up for his mother as she picked him up Helen led her over to the chair in the corner of the room. The mother and son had a sweet moment as she cradled him in her arms. "(Y/N) your awake" it was Brian and Tyler she smiled at them as they ran into the room to their sister. "God I thought we lost you" she shook her head "my mother told me it wasn't my time oh and Helen she approves of you" Helen smiled.

(Y/ns) pov

I smiled at my son who was talking gibberish like all babies. My brothers and I along with Helen made small talk. "Wait your mother said there's a handsome boy waiting for you to wake up" I nodded and laughed "yeah pretty much" he blushed lightly and smiled "mama, dada" the dark haired baby gurgled earning a smile from both of us.

I smiled and giggled at our son. He was turning one in 2 days. It feels like I only had him yesterday I can't believe my baby is going to be one. Before I know it he'll be sixteen going on his first hunt. Me and Helen both agreed when he turns sixteen then he can start killing until then he can train with us and his uncles. Jackson's blue eyes shone in amazement at everyone in the room we've been trying to get him to walk the now but he only wants to crawl and bum shuffle it's really cute when going downstairs he demands to sit on someone's knee and bum it down. It's funny as his little laughed can be heard from all around the mansion. Me and and Helen May have to move back in the now with everything going on. It was annoying as we got used to it being us three but it was for our safety our sons safety and everyone else's safety.

I smiled at my son as he began to fall back asleep when he was eventually sleeping again I kissed his head as Helen helped me carry him to his crib.

"Any news on Tim" I asked as they all shook their heads "we know he's getting better but apart from that Toby isn't telling anyone what's wrong with him" "I'm going to go talk to toby he's probably struggling" Helen nodded and took me to toby who was sleeping besides Tim. I shook him lightly and when he saw me his face lit up. "Hey toby you doing ok" he nodded "h-he's getting better which is good I can a-ask him finally to m-marry me" I smile at him "I'm sure he'll say yes when you ask him he loves you a lot toby" he smiled "I k-know he dose, I r-really hope he dose say y-yes when I ask him" I smile and nod "I'm 100% sure he will say yes".

When Toby is around me he isn't as shy and I thank Tim for that he brought the small twitchy boy out of his shell. He more regularly takes his mouth guard off and goggles. He isn't as self conscious either and he comes out his room more often. "I'm going to head to bed toby I'll check up on you in the morning" he nodded and I left him with Tim. Helen was waiting and swept me off my feet to our old room. As soon as we were in bed we both fell asleep. There was no talking as we both had long days and nights even though I slept I didn't actually rest. My mind was till active. So I was finally getting to relax properly and get a good nights sleep.


Authors note. Hey guys it's me your stupid author. I rarely do these. So this story is coming to an end it's my longest book on here and sadly I will need to end it soon probably.

I want to also let people know I recently finished my suicide prevention course and if you ever need someone to talk to private message me and I'll talk to you for as long as you want. Insomnia is a bitch so I'm usually up at all hours. Love you all until next chapter.

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