Chapter 2 the lecture

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"don't g note people (y/n) loads of people cried not funny" he spoke I sighed sniggering "I don't care" I speak annoyed at this lecture I do what I want and no one tells me otherwise. "I don't care (y/n) if you don't care were going to work on your killing" he speaks getting closer to me I noticed how he towers over my small height. I was pretty muscular for a girl I was a boxer and was fighting I have a six pack and other stuff.

"For training give me 20 pushup the 50 mountain climbers the 30 laps of the camp GO!" he told me. with no hesitation I take my hoodie of reveling my muscular arms I drop down giving him 20 push ups then with out resting I went into the mountain climbers not breaking a sweat as ive done worse work outs.

50 mountain climbers done getting up I ran round the camp 30 times as fast as I could doing it in 5 minuets Bloody Painter watched me in amazement as I ran back over to him not out of breath or sweating "h-how what" he spoke confused. "boxing" I say he nods walking back to the cabin I follow. I went in lying in my bed turning to face to wall I heard shuffling assuming he took his mask off then soft snores 'he fell asleep' I thought soon finding myself fast asleep myself having a nightmare of the man who we called a father.

I was walking home from school I had a after school detention "dad is gonna be pissed about this" I tell myself hesitating to open the door when I reached the house. Opening the door I didn't see him I sigh I hadn't closed the door when it shut I turn to see him behind the door smirking. He took his hand curling it into a fist punching me in the nose causing it to bleed even though I'm a boxer I would never fight back that would result in a worse punishment. After a few hits he took out a knife stabbing me in multiple places.

dreams over~~~

I woke up in a cold sweat panting breathing heavily my heart beating out of my chest. I was still facing the wall I didn't dare move I didn't do anything not until I heard shuffling from the other bed. "you can get up now" he spoke I sat up wiping sweat from my forehead he left as I got dressed in a sports bra and some black leggings. Over the sports bra I wore a Linkin Park crop top plugging in head phones shuffling my boxing playlist I went outside to the training centre Bloody showed me putting on some boxing wraps I had in my bag I happened to bring I put on a pair of boxing gloves. I started beating the shit out of the punch bag every 20 hits I did 50 pushups with gloves on. "morning sis" a voice came from the door my little brother came over with a hooded boy "this is hoodie sis where is your trainer" he asked introducing me to his partner "I don't know where mine is thought i'd come here wanna spare" I tell my brother and asked him a question he nodded we got head guards on and our mouth guards we so happen to carry everywhere.

He threw a left hook to my side and I threw a jab to his face in the end I beat him helping him up we took the head guards off "sis can you teach me how to fight like you" he asked me suddenly "ty that's your trainers job now not mine" we had forgot all about hoodie being here the painter walked in "what did I miss?" he asked hoodie quickly summed everything up Painter kinda looked shocked from what his body language said.

I went back to punching the bag again every 20 hits I did 50 pushups after 10 minuets on the bag I took my gloves of leaving the wraps on and doing some shadow boxing I got bored and ended up doing a circuit. Everyone in the training centre stopped doing what they were doing when I failed to land a burpee I fell over as my ankle gave away snapping I couldn't get up it was like time slowed down as I hit the ground Tyler rushed over the same with painter. This camp was a mistake I would have rather dying.

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