Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

I was woken up by my head aching so much, we just arrived here in Seoul late in the afternoon yesterday. I immediately went to sleep and rest because of the jet lag but my head is torturing me right now.

I get up to face my clock and  realized that I've been asleep for nearly 14 hours, it's now 8 in the morning and I feel so dizzy and cold. I stood up to proceed downstairs to get some water to drink but to my susrprise, my mom and dad are happily eating their breakfast in our dining table along with my brother.

"Jennie you're finally awake, come here and hug your dad!" Dad stood up from his chair and gave me a long hug. I just smiled and welcome him a hug.

"Dad! I missed you, when did you arrived? " I said as he let go of his hug, mom also stood up from her chair and hugged me

"We arrived yesterday night but you're already asleep. Your brother said you're having a headache, are you okay now?"

"I'm okay mom" I said and seated beside my brother and put some pancakes on my plate. Though I feel dizzy and don't have the appetite to eat, I still have to ate a little because I'm starving since I didn't eat since yesterday night

"Are you sure you're okay princess?" Dad worriedly ask when I ate the pancake and almost throw it up because it taste so weird for me

"Yeah, I'm okay dad" I said as I wipe my mouth with the table napkin and drink my glass of orange juice. Namjoon on my side puts his hand on my forehead

"Shit Jennie you're burning!" he exclaimed and stood up from his chair. He immediately went to the kitchen cabinet to get the medicines. Mom and Dad also worriedly stood up from their chairs, mom puts her hand on my forehead 

"Gosh, you're really burning up sweetie, c'mon eat your meal already so that you can take your medicine and rest"

"Daniel, call our doctor" Mom said , Dad then nodded and immediately went to our living room to call our personal doctor.

"Here, drink this after you ate your meal" my brother handed me a pill of medicine. I accepted it and immediately ate my pancake even if it tastes so weird. After that, I drink the medicine Namjoon gave me.

"Rest in your bedroom for now sweetie" Mom said ,I immediately stood up but the my dizziness suddenly acted, making me to almost lost my balance standing, mom and Namjoon immediately held me by the arm "Jennie, you alright?" my brother ask me

"Namjoon! Did you tire your sister? What did you guys do to your vacation to make her sick like this?" mom ranted on my brother

"Mom it's not Namjoon's fault, I'm just having a fever that's all" I said as I tried to let go of their hold and walk. Namjoon then followed me and guided me to the living room, I sat on the couch and rested my head that is throbbing so much. I massage it with the tip of my both index fingers.

"Did you call our doctor already?" mom asked dad, dad then nodded and went in front of me. "You should rest in your room Jennie"

"I'm fine, seriously guys you're over exaggerating. It's just a fever and I already drank the medicine so I'll be okay" I said then closed my eyes. I feel dizzy but not like before, the medicine Namjoon gave is a fast pain reliever. I heard my mom and dad talking about some stuff but I just ignored it.

I was about to drift to sleep when we heard the bell suddenly rang, making me open my eyes "It's probably our doctor already, Joon go get it" Dad ordered Namjoon.

"Jen, you should rest in your room, not here" Mom held the back of my head and helped me to stand up. She held my waist and we're about to go upstairs when we heard the noises coming from our door.

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