Chapter 1-Too Easy

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I stand in the door frame, my arms crossed across my chest and a blank expression plastered on my face.

He sits on the bed staring holes through me with his hazel eyes.

I sigh slightly. He sighs back. We communicate purely through sighs.

"What?" I finally say.

"You're beautiful." he says.

Yep, he definitely isn't sighing for the same reasons I am.

"Stop," I tell him.

He is always calling me pretty and beautiful and adorable. I know it's his job, he's my boyfriend, but now is not the time.

I guess that's what I get for doing this. We've been together for six years. Since we were nineteen and fresh out of high school.

He was going to school in London for something totally not him like nursing, and I was going to be a journalist. We both knew it wasn't really what we wanted. We discussed it a lot, our backs to the world as we bashed it for all to hear.

He wanted to be a musician, and me, an artist. Of course at the time we thought that would never work out. We'd thought we would be chasing our dreams away forever.

Danny always seemed to get me. From the moment I'd met him I knew we'd be instant friends, which was good because that's something I didn't have many of. I was an American in Europe purely for my studies, and he was from Dublin, a traditional European, he knew his way around.

I began to trust him more and more over the years and we became close. It took him a year to get up the guts to ask me out. Of course I said yes.

"Why would I stop? I'm speaking the truth." he says.

"Danny." I say, inching closer to him.

I keep my arms crossed and as I approach him he reaches his hands up and places them on my hips, squeezing them with his large, callused fingers, perfect for playing the guitar.

I grow tense. I love everything about him. That's exactly why I have to do this. I respect him too much.

"Danny." I mutter again.

"What?" he says looking up at me with his glowing eyes. They always glow like that when he looks at me. It makes what I am about to do even harder.

"Danny." I sighed.

I shake my head. I can't believe myself. I feel horrible for what I've done, but at the same time I don't.

"Is everything alright love?" he asks.

I shake my head, "Please don't call me that."



"Well, why not? I've always called you that."

He's right. He's always called me that. And I loved it...just not anymore. Now it makes me feel guilty.

"J-just don't."

"Bryna, what's the problem? Why are you acting like this?"

Does he not have a clue? I've been hiding it pretty decently, but I mean, he isn't blind...

He probably knew something was up. He's just the kind of guy to ignore those kinds of gut feelings. It is as if he fears that thinking about them will trigger them into a reality. But that's not the way the world works. He must know that, right?

"Bryna?" he says the worry rising in his tone. "What's wrong?

"Danny," I say, trying to cough up the courage to tell him. I decide the best way to do it is fast, like ripping off a Band-Aid. But when I try to speak no words come out. I clear my throat and try again, "Danny, I-I've met someone." I say.

Stick To the Script // Danny O'DonoghueWhere stories live. Discover now