Gayme Night

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Jack: Game night. Medda's theater. Friday. Be there. 

Spot: Well that was right to the point

Race: You bet I'll be there

Davey: I gotta check if I'm free, but I'll probably make it. 

Albert: Hey

Albert: Hey Jack

Albert: Dontcha mean

Race: GAYme night

Albert: Damn it Race

Race: Haha

Elmer: I can go

Specs: ^^

Mush: ^^^

Finch: ^^^^

Race: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Spot: K Race calm down there bud

Race: Never

Spot: Wow okay

Albert: Hey Race how many candy canes do you have left?

Race: 420,000,069

Romeo: Wow real mature

Race: I never said I was mature

Albert: How many candy canes do you actually have left

Race: I dunno

Race: Like 500

Davey: How many did you buy????

Race: I dunno

Race: Like a thousand

Davey: Wow

Albert: That's nothing. Last year he had so many, he had leftovers this year. 

Elmer: How is that a big deal

Albert: He always eats at least 1 a day

Elmer: How are you so skinny?

Race: I dunno

Race: I just am

Jack: Also there will be no monopoly this time

Jack: Not after the last incident

Specs: Way to go Race

Specs: You got monopoly banned


Albert: I WAS NOT

Jojo: Woah, settle down there




Jojo: If I'm not straight either how is it homophobia?


Spot: K Race settle down

Race: NO

Spot: Alright Race is in time out now carry on

Spot: I took his phone so he can't do anything dumb

Albert: Race manages to do dumb stuff all the time

Albert: No matter what you do or don't give him, he will be an idiot

Jack: Fair

Davey: Okay I can go. 

Jack: Little late there Dave

Davey: Hey at least I answered. 

Jack: Valid

Race: Ha I stole my phone back from Spot

Jojo: Oh no

(Just a small chapter to lead into the next one)

(Just to avoid confusion next time, the next chapter will be called Game Night. I know they're similar titles, but oh well) 

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