Valentines Day

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On February 14, 2019, Jack Kelly was in a panic. He had spent the past two Valentines days with Katherine, but now he was with Davey. He had no clue what to do. He really loved Davey, he had to do something to show him that. 

The good thing about Davey and Katherine was that they were both pretty similar. The two were both smart and really good writers. Both held strong opinions, although Katherine was more vocal about it than Davey was. The two were actually good friends as well, which Jack was super happy about. But they were still different people, which meant Jack would have to do different things for Davey than he did for Katherine. 

Medda had offered to pay so Jack could take Davey out to a nice dinner, but Jack wanted to do something personal. 

"Take him up to the rooftop." Crutchie suggested. "Show him your mini gallery." 

"He's not gonna care about a buncha doodles I did." Jack brushed the idea off. 

"Yeah, he will." Crutchie insisted, putting down his homework. "He loves your work." 

"He does?" Jack raised an eyebrow. 

"Yeah." Crutchie nodded. "He tells you that all the time." 

"I figured it was just him being nice." Jack admitted. 

"Yeah, well, take him up there. See what he thinks." 

"Thanks, Crutch." Jack smiled gratefully. 

"No problem." Crutchie smiled.

The same time Jack was panicking in Manhattan, Spot was setting up for Valentine's Day in Brooklyn. He and Race always did the same thing for Valentine's Day: sitting on the couch, watching Netflix, while stuffing their faces with chocolate. It was small and simple, but the boys loved it. 

"Do you have his gift?" One of Spot's friends, Flame, reminded from the couch as she stole a piece of his chocolate. 

"Of course I have his gift." Spot shot back. "And stop touching my chocolate. That's for me and Race." 

"Well, last year you forgot and gave it to him a month late, so I'm just making sure." Flame shrugged. 

"Why aren't you helping Blue set up for the party for everyone who doesn't have a date?" Spot questioned. 

"Cause he said I have 'no sense of decorating' and that I'm 'colorblind' and kicked me out." She shrugged. Spot groaned and went to grab more chocolate from the kitchen. 

Just before seven that night, Jack was panicking once again. Davey was supposed to come at seven, yet Jack didn't feel prepared just yet. He had dressed up in a nice blue shirt and jeans and his hair was brushed. He had gotten Davey a small box of chocolates but he felt like he needed something more. Jack checked his hair in the mirror one more time and looked around his room. His side was messier than Crutchie's, but neither boy was a slob. 

"I really need to clean this up..." Jack mumbled, scanning his side of the room. Then, his eyes landed on the flowers he had been planning to give to Katherine. "Perfect." He whispered, picking them up. At that moment, the doorbell rang, and Jack raced up to the rooftop. He heard Crutchie direct Davey to where he was, and he anxiously waited for his boyfriend to reach the roof. 

When Davey got up to the rooftop, he found Jack standing there among easels full of his artwork. 

"Welcome to my gallery." Jack smiled, his hands behind his back. "I keep some of my favorite projects up here."

"Wow." Davey smiled, looking around at everything. There was a painting of all of them from the Christmas party, based off a photo Medda had taken. He saw a drawing done in colored pencil of a young Crutchie and Jack that was so realistic Davey could have sworn it was a photo. A charcoal sketch of Katherine was up there, so was a drawing of Race and Albert holding a championship trophy, most likely for baseball. 

"I was hoping you would help me hang up my newest one." Jack admitted, pointing to an empty easel. He smiled at Davey, holding up a drawing of the two boys on the roof of the lake house. In it, Davey's head was on Jack's shoulder, and Jack had his arm around Davey. Both had smiles on their faces. Davey felt himself relive that moment all over again, and he smiled at Jack. 

"It's beautiful." Davey told him. "It really is." 

"So are you." Jack rubbed the back of his neck. "So, help me hang it?" He asked, and Davey nodded. Each of them took one edge of the drawing and they put it up on the easel. Jack took a step back and admired the drawing, taking Davey's hand. 

Race and Spot, on the other hand, were cuddled up on the couch watching Thor: Ragnarok. As Race laughed at some joke made on screen, Spot smiled, looking up at him. Race caught on pretty quickly and looked down at his boyfriend. 

"What?" He raised an eyebrow. 

"Nothing." Spot shook his head. "Nothing at all." 

"You're looking at me all weird." Race pointed out.

"I'm not!" Spot insisted. 

"Okay." Race looked back at the screen, laughing as he listened to the snake story. After a few minutes, Spot paused the movie. "Hey!" Race protested. 

"Shut your mouth for a minute." Spot requested. "I has something to give you." Race mimed zipping his mouth shut and locking it. Spot reached over the couch and pulled out a red box. "Here." He handed it to the lanky Italian. Race carefully opened the box and gasped a little when he saw what was inside. Sitting in the box were two silver dog tags with "I'm with you" written on one and "Till the end of the line" written on the other. It was unusually romantic of Spot, but Race loved it. "You pointed them out on Redbubble that one time, so I ordered them." 

"I love it." Race grinned. "I really do." He took the second one out of the box and put it around his neck, then did the same for Spot. While he had Spot in close proximity, he pulled him close and kissed him, completely abandoning the movie. 

As Davey and Jack sat on the rooftop, Davey continued to admire Jack's work.

"These are amazing, Jack." He grinned, looking at a drawing of Jojo, Romeo, and Elmer. 

"Thanks," Jack rubbed the back of his neck. "But I have something else for you." He handed Davey the box of chocolates. "I know it's cheesy and cliche, but oh well." 

"I think it's nice." Davey nodded. "But I have something for you too." 

"No, wait, I have one more thing." Jack confessed, bringing the flowers made from old newspapers out from behind his back. "I know they were originally for Kath, but I figured you'd like them too." He admitted. 

"I love them, Jackie." Davey smiled, kissing his boyfriend softly. "Now, let me give you your gift." He insisted. 

"Okay, okay." Jack laughed a little. Davey ran inside for a second and came back out with a small bag. 

"Open it." He handed it to Jack, blushing slightly. Jack pulled out the wrapping paper and gasped quietly. Inside was a 72 pack of oil pastels. "You said you didn't have them s-"

"I love them." Jack looked up at Davey, a grin on his face. "I love them. And I love you." The words took Davey aback a bit. The two had never said it to each other before. Sure, Davey knew he loved him, but he had never directly said it. 

"I love you too." Davey grinned, taking Jack's hand. The two sat on top of the roof until almost one that night, just spending time with each other. 

Overall, it had been a pretty good Valentine's Day. 

(I hope you all had an amazing Valentine's Day, even if you were single. Sorry for the late update, and keep those covers coming!)

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