Chapter One

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I changed my mind okay here have a chapter

chapter two is better I swear


So far, no one had noticed me, that was good. Now I just needed to make sure it stayed that way.

English class was boring. Math class was boringer. Maybe I should've paid more attention in English class.

I asked to be excused to go to the bathroom. This class was shít, anyway. Making sure there was no one in the bathroom and locking the door behind me, I pulled a joint out of my backpack. I'm not addicted yet, I only do it when I'm stressed or nervous because it really helps.

"You shouldn't smoke that, you know. They still haven't figured out whether it kills brain cells or not, but that doesn't sound pretty, so I wouldn't until they're sure it's safe."

"I don't need your opinion," I said to the purple-haired boy who tried to tell me what to do. I do what I want. "How'd you get in here anyway?"

"I was already in here." Funny. I swear I checked.

"Well, you can mind your own business. I'm sure that hair dye wasn't good for your head, but you used it anyway."

"Fine, if you're gonna be an ass, I guess I'm leaving." He opened the door and stomped out. What an annoying kid.


I remembered him. You, of course, don't know what I'm talking about, but you'll find out soon enough. I wondered if this is why, maybe... I was taking that last thing off the list.


Everywhere I went for the next week, that kid from the bathroom would follow me around. He really was the most annoying person I had ever met, and I didn't even know his name. That was okay, though, he didn't know mine either.


Luke seemed to be getting annoyed with me. I didn't know why, last time I saw him he seemed to like me. But that was in the past.

Sort of.


"Alright, Mikey, you have five wishes, or a bucket list with five things on it, whatever you want to call it," my doctor said as she gave me a piece of paper with numbered lines on it. "Write those five things down, and what I'm telling you to do once you get home tonight is think of ways you can make those five things come true."

My mom looked confused and pulled her outside of the office where they thought I wouldn't be able to hear them talk. "What are you doing?"

"He needs goals, we've seen the same results in all of our patients with this disease: if they haven't achieved everything on their list, and they're determined to, it'll take longer for them to let themselves die." Die? I wasn't going to die.

"But what if they do achieve everything on the list within one, two years? What happens then?" my mom asked

"That's why your job is to make sure he puts down the most ridiculous things that are still possible to wish for," my doctor said, not answering the question. "That's the only way to keep him alive."

I had no idea what was going on, but I knew for sure that I wanted to stay alive, so I put down the five most ridiculous things I could think of that I wanted to do.

1: get an iPhone

2: run 5 miles

3: make a friend

4: fall in love

5: make someone else fall in love with me

I had to do all of these things before I died. Of course, I probably had a long time, but I wasn't sure, since what my doctor was saying made it sound like I had a week to live.



I was in my room, writing a song about depression, when I saw something on the floor in my closet. It was a leather-bound book, probably from the last people who lived here.

I'm going to die soon, at least that's what the doctor says. I wasn't supposed to hear it, but I did. Surprisingly, I'm almost okay with that. I've survived almost ten years since I made my list, and I've done four of them. I'm only almost okay with it, though, because, well... I haven't made someone fall in love with me yet, and I don't think I'm going to. I mean, who would love me? It took me about 8 years just to make a friend, and he's a guy. A straight guy, with a girlfriend. I don't think he'll fall for me. And it would take forever to get a stranger to like me.

I don't know what's going to happen, then, because when I made that list when I was 8, Dr. Henklish told Mom that these wishes would keep me alive. So how come she's saying now that I'm about to die? I'm not ready. I haven't completed my list yet. I don't want to d

The entry stopped there. I found myself sobbing after realizing why. Poor kid. He must have been about 18, because it says it was about 10 years after he made some list, and he also said he made "that list" when he was 8. Maybe he was talking about different lists, but how would I know?

There wasn't a name on the diary, which is good, because if there was, knowing me, I would search it up and get even more upset about some guy I never even knew.

Short due to writer's block. Yes, I know Michael's wishes sound pathetic and easy to accomplish, they're supposed to make you feel sad because those things seem unimaginable for him. He's about 8 in the flashback.

btw, flashbacks are in italics and surrounded by “"“"“" on either side. the spacing for normal things will be... +++++ okay? YAY! idk what I'm cheering for but still yay!

- <3 rach <3

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