Chapter Ten

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WHOOP WHOOP CHAPTER TEN I really need to quit it with the whooping. anyway... Hey.


"Where the fûck is he?" I groaned. We had searched all day and we still hadn't found him.

Jamie shrugged. "Maybe he's not here today," she said casually, but I could tell she was upset too. "Maybe he's sick."

"Maybe--maybe I was supposed to find him yesterday! Maybe he died, and that's the reason his ghost dissapeared, because why would he be with me if he never met me in the first place?!" I cried.

"Calm down, Luke, stop being paranoid! I'm sure he traveled back to just the right time, otherwise it wouldn't even make sense."

"Fûck you with your logic, I need to find him!"


I didn't find him that day. Or the next. Or the next. It was agonizing, knowing I was the reason he was gone. Michael, you better be having a good time wherever you are, or else my whole broken heart is in vain, I told him in my mind, wondering if he could hear me. I wasn't sure I wanted him to, because, you know, some thoughts I'd like to keep to myself, but maybe it was worth it, just to have him there, knowing that I loved him.

I love you.

I pulled out my guitar and started to sing to stop myself from crying. It had been three days, three fûcking days, all because I fell in love with a ghost.

Who the fûck falls in love with a ghost?

"For a while we pretended that we'd never have to end it, but we knew we'd have to say goodbye..." Goodbye. It wasn't goodbye. He wasn't gone. He was here, I just needed to find him.

It wasn't goodbye. It was only a "see you later," an "hasta la vista," even thought I wasn't quite sure what that meant. I needed to start paying attention in class.

My phone rang. I checked caller I.D. and saw that it was Jamie. "Yellow?"

"Jell-O. I need help."

I laughed at her response and asked her what she wanted.

"It's Sara."

I don't know why, but Michael and Jamie and my entire friend group have pretty much shunned Sara. I guess it was the cheating thing, but all she was doing was helping me. "What about her?"

"She... she wants to get back together."

"And that's a big deal, why? Listen, if she's sorry, take her back. It was my fault anyway, I just wanted to get over Michael, and I thought she might help me."

"Yeah, and it's great that she did, but she still betrayed me. I had heard about her cheating before, when we started going out I made her promise that she would never do this to me, but she did!" She had started crying by then, and was almost shouting through the tears. I didn't understand how girls could be lesbian. One overly emotional person is more than enough for a relationship. (A/N: please don't get mad at Luke or me, he's just annoyed and being a little smart ass, and I AM a girl so it's not really being sexist.)

"Well then, what's your problem? If you're ready to forgive her, take her back. If you're not, don't."

"You're a lot of help," she sneered sarcastically.

"I try."

"Well you're not doing a very good job!" Was she on her period or something? Ew.

"Hey, I'm sorry. I just don't know what I'm supposed to say here."

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