Chapter Nine

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yay I have 200 reads now

WARNING: if you kill me for writing this chapter, my family does have the right to sue. and you'll probably be put in jail. or juvy, depending on your age. anyway...


"Michael?" I called in panic. He wasn't there, why wasn't he there? "Michael, get your pretty ass over here right now."

No response.

"Michael, please, I don't know what I did wrong, but please, I'm sorry, come back!" I felt a tear run down my face as I whispered, "I have something to tell you..."

My eyes widened as I realized why he was gone. I didn't have to tell him, did I? He moved on. Fûck my life, why did I have to fall in love with a ghost? Why couldn't I live a normal life, what did I ever do wrong?

I flinched in my mind as I thought that. Better not open that can of worms.

I was barely breathing. "Please let him come back," I said aloud, but I didn't know who I was talking to.

I knew he was gone already, so when I pulled out my phone, I didn't bother calling him. Instead, I chose one of my few other contacts.

"What's up?" Jamie asked, and I started sobbing into the phone. "Luke, are you okay?"

"Michael... he's gone..."


"I'm in love with him, Jamie, I'm in love with him and that's the whole reason he came back, to make me fall in love with him, and now that I am, he's gone and I didn't even get to tell him!"

She gasped. "I'll be right over."

"Okay." I hung up the phone and continued to weep. This was weird, I never cried. I hadn't since I was a baby, how did someone I was in love with basically dying make me finally cry? I rolled my eyes at myself. I had answered the question before I was finished asking it.

"Luke, please let me in, your mom is showing me naked pictures of you as a baby! Oh, no, Liz, I didn't say that, he was a beautiful baby, I just really need to talk to him." Normally this would amuse me and make me smile, but not today. I was too depressed to get out of bed, so I told her to come in. She opened the door and I could see her red, puffy eyes, giving away that she had been crying too, either that or she was high, and I knew she wasn't that type of girl. "I think she thinks I'm your girlfriend," she chuckled insincerely before frowning again and walking over to my bed, sitting on it and pulling me into a hug. Upon backing up, she looked at my bare chest and asked, "You have pants on right?"

I rolled my eyes. "Yes. Well, boxers." She scrunched her nose in disgust. "It's not that gross."

"It is to me. It probably wouldn't be to..." She trailed off and started crying again. Her joke was too soon, even for herself.

"I just... I miss him, you know? I don't regret it, well I do sort of, but I don't, because I mean, at least now he's... somewhere. I hope. All I know is he's definitely not in hell, he couldn't get there if he tried."

"He's happier now," Jamie whispered, "except if he can see us here, crying over him, we're probably bumming his joy at least a little." I tried to smile, but couldn't. "We love you Michael," she said, looking up at the ceiling. I rose one eyebrow at her. She shrugged. "I don't love him in the same way you do, but he was the best friend I ever had."


"You should be grateful I'm forgiving, or you wouldn't be my friend anymore at all." Oh. I forgot about that.

"I'm sorry, you know that, right?"

"Yes, and I forgave you, now moving on."

"Are you having trouble getting over her?" I asked nervously, biting my lip.

"Um, yeah, why?"

Michael, I thought, hoping he would hear me wherever he was, I love you. Please forgive me for what I'm about to do to get over you. I leaned in slowly.

"Hey!" Jamie almost screamed, backing away from me. "In case you've forgotten, I am a lesbian, I'm not fûcking Sara, okay? Besides, Michael just left, are you really that desperate?"

"Sorry, but it hurts, you know? I just want to get him out of my mind. He's gone, it's not like I'm cheating on him. This is like if a widow marries another man and someone accuses her of bigamy!"

"Luke, he's still alive, remember? He came back in time when he died, about two years!" My jaw dropped in realization. "Besides, the first point is important too."

"Sorry, I'm so sorry, I forgot. Still friends?"

She looked at me with a scowl for a couple seconds, then smiled slightly and said, "Fine. But this is your second warning. Three strikes, you're out."

"Okay." I pulled her into a big hug and kissed her on the cheek before rushing her out of my room so I could get dressed for school.

"It's not like I'd see any more if I was in here, but okay." She left, and I ran to my closet to find Michael's favorite of my shirts and a pair of skinny jeans because he always said he liked my legs, I don't know why.

"Okay, let's go," I said with a smile, once I walked out of my bedroom. "To school!" I pumped one fist in the air like a superhero.

"You're lame," she chuckled, rolling her eyes. We left and she drove us to school to meet the man I'm in love with before he was in love with me, if you know what I'm saying.

sorry this was short but this was a good place to leave off I think. I'm also sorry for the whole beginning of the chapter, but hey, it had to happen.

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