Chapter Thirty Two

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A/N: I'm at the point where I can't think of any more filler. To be honest most of this book so far has been filler. So in order to give you guys some more to read and finally end the book, I've decided to skip some time.

Sorry, this chapter is kind of depressing


It's been a while since I've talked to Jamie. After her dad died, her mom kind of stopped caring what she did. Michael and I went to the first few parties with her but she always refused to leave at a reasonable hour and we got tired of it. She would get hammered (A/N: "really drunk" for anyone in another country who may not know idk) and refuse to come with us unless she got to drive. We didn't want to go down that road again. So we would leave without her and she would be mad at us in the morning. Eventually we just stopped going, but we'd still talk to her at other times. She'd go out with her new friends every night and get high or drunk or both. We didn't like the people she had started hanging out with, but we couldn't control her.

One day she went to a party without us, as per usual, and got drunk, like always. This time was different because one of those friends I told you about spiked her drink. I don't know where he even got the stuff, but before she knew it, she wasn't just out of her mind like her usual high. She was out of her body too. She couldn't move. Bad things happened and she blamed us. She said that if we were there we would have protected her. We would have carried her out to the car, driven her home, and called the police. And it was true, I knew we would have. But it wasn't our fault that we weren't there.

She broke up with Sara over some argument that didn't make sense. I didn't understand how someone as sweet as Jamie had once been turned into someone who blamed everyone else for her misfortune. And sure, there was often someone to blame. But she had started blaming the wrong people.

For a month or so after that Sara would hang out with Michael and I, but eventually it got awkward since she saw every day how happy he and I were together and it hurt her. Plus, I don't think Michael would ever really trust her once he found out that she cheated on Jamie with me. I wasn't sure I ever would.

So for the past few months we'd been on our own. Just Michael and me against the world. I can't say that we didn't miss Jamie, but we'd gotten by without her and our relationship had been doing fine. The drama was over now. Unfortunately, Michael was about to turn 18. He didn't know how little time he had left, but I did.

4 months and 12 days

"So, are you excited for your birthday?" I asked, trying to rid my mind of my terrible thoughts. I needed to live in the moment so I wouldn't cry.

"No." Oh.

I propped up on my elbow so I could see his face over the rest of his head. "Why not?"

He turned to face me and gave me a sad smile. "I snuck into your drawer and read the last entry. I know I'm going to die in a few months." Shit. "I don't want any time to pass by, I just want to lie here with you pressed up to my ass forever."

"Oh?" I tried to make light of it by pressing up to his ass more.

"No. Stop."

"Sorry." Damn, someone was serious today. I mean, I was too, but I didn't want to be. "I just... I want to forget. I don't want you to die." A tear finally fell out of my eye. "I love you. Please just live in the moment with me, and maybe then you'll live."

He shook his head and turned back around. "Let's just take a nap. Hey, I know I'll survive it."

I smiled a fake smile and cuddled back up to him without sexualizing it. "That's good."


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