I'll Be Damned

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"Okay, what about Peter and Ned, you can definitely trust them. Besides," M.J explained, pacing up and down the Living Room carpet. "Why shouldn't they know?"

"Peter works with Tony freaking Stark. He finds out who I am, it's all over."
Y/n spoke with furrowed brows. "Ned would accidentally tell someone in school, thus starting the Peter Problem."

M.J raised an eyebrow and smirked. "You named it?"

"I have a lot of free time. Anyways, I have City Patrol tonight."

M.J felt a question arise in her. She blurted it out before she could stop herself.

"Will you ever work with the Avengers?"

"To be honest," Y/n paused, a reluctant feeling holding her down. "I don't know. I've met them before, but they just seemed annoyed."

She wasn't lying - it was a heist of a biological weapon. A hot summer's evening, Y/n was on City Patrol. A couple of shouts drew her attention, and before she knew it, she was in the middle of a Shoot-To-Kill team fight.

A sad look overtook Y/n, the harsh comments from some of the adults sticking out in her mind like needles. M.J noticed this, observations like this made her a good friend. With a proud smile, she sighed playfully.

"Go save the city, Y/n."


"Barton, we need to talk. Now."

Natasha growled, entering the tower.

He had been alienating her all day, all because of this one kid. Natasha thought it was petty, what had she done? They both made a mistake, he chose to not tell anyone. This was the short-term solution of giving Y/N away blowing up in their faces.

Clint kept walking, not wanting to spend a second more with his best friend. Ever since that night, things had never been quite the same. He was married, with kids. He didn't have time for a kid he hadn't even met.

"Clint, don't you dare ignore me!", she yelled, each step he took causing her to tremble with more anger than before. "We can't just run away from this anymore!"

He spun on his heel, stopping with a dark look on his face.
"It was a mistake, Nat! A drunken mistake!" He thundered, the words spilling out of him. "It meant nothing to me, okay?"

Natasha skidded to a halt. Although she knew the words before it even left his lips, it hurt. It hurt like hell. "Nothing?" she whispered, her voice cracked.
Her eyes left his, searching for a nonexistent answer in the air.
"Nothing." Clint repeated back, voice unsteady with emotion.

Her lips trembled, flattening themselves against each other. Eyes stinging as the tears ached to pour, Natasha desperately tried to keep her emotions at bay. Clint watched as his words did the damage.

"You- How could you?", Natasha began, her voice raw as she fought back the tears. Taking several shaky steps forward, she found herself face to face with him. "If you like it or not, she is our child."

Clint was having a war of his own. He watched through a window of uncertainty at his partner's emotionless facade come crumbling around her. She jabbed at his chest as she spoke. "And I'll be damned if I let her get hurt because we were too selfish to own up to our mistakes."

Opening his mouth to retaliate, Clint shut it. The words left him, as his mouth dried and his fingers went icy. Turning around, Natasha walked away wiping her now aching eyes.

Speeding off in to the closest room she could find, she closed herself in the broom closet. Locking it, she pressed her back up against the cool wood. Sinking slowly, Natasha let her head fall backwards to rest against the door.

Sitting on the cold and dusty floor, Natasha let the pent up emotions escape her. The tears came out hot, cascading down her face in a waterfall like fashion. Her chest jumped as she repressed the sobs.

How could she make so many mistakes in just one night?

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