You Never Forget Your First Rescue

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It was more or less calm day at the Avengers Tower. Bucky, Sam and Steve had spent the Monday through a haze of training, sparring and jokes.

Eight o'clock found the trio crumbled in to the sofa. Steve's phone buzzed, and he mentally sighed when he read the caller - 'Tony Stark'. Deep down, Steve didn't want to answer, a sixth sense told him it would be nothing but trouble, but he decided against it. Picking up the phone, Steve was greeted with an exhausted sigh.

"Level with me here, Rogers - what would you do if you found two vigilantes under your responsibility breaking in to crime scene?"
His face dropped. Closing his eyes, Steve didn't want the question he asked answered.
"What happened?"
"Well, not only did my kid decide it would be a good idea to go after a target we've been chasing for months now; your kid is now in a cell."

Steve blinked. Y/N was in a cell? Surely there had to be a misunderstanding. Looking at the tense faces of the two men opposite him, he tried his best to fill them in with questions. "Well, you bailed her out, right?"

"They're saying that on the SHIELD file she has, you're the emergency contact."
If it wasn't for the situation he was in, he would have smiled. But he was far from that now.

"I'll be down there in 15."


"Why can't you just let me go?"

"Well, Agent Barton isn't here, and neither is Steve Rogers."

Y/N huffed, and threw her hands in the air in frustration. "I don't even know an Agent Barton."

"Says here that he's your emergency contact. I don't make the rules."


The police officer understandably laughed. This kid was not a SHIELD operative - more like an intern.
"Just wait the night out kid. Don't make this worse than it has to be."

Letting go of her puffed chest in an failed attempt of intimidation, she flopped on to the small bench in the back of the dim cell. "Not gonna lie, kid. That took guts."
The officer sighed, taking a step towards the cell.

Y/N looked up, although her hand stayed clutching her side. That was gonna leave a nasty bruise - MJ was going to kill her. "Like you said: I shouldn't have done it. Let the police handle it, or whatever."

The man was now crouched at the cell. Sincerely, he glanced to the badge on his breast pocket as he spoke. "Whilst you did cost thousands in property damage, we also caught that guy. Kingpin, he called himself."

Y/N met his eyes. The disappointment in herself was like an anchor. "Anyone get hurt?" She gulped, bracing herself for the worst. The officer chuckled. "Nothing but a woman irritated by the NYPD sirens."

As he watched the small silhouette in the back of the cell, the officer realised how young they looked. No older than his daughter, maybe 16 at the most. "I'm Officer Davis. You know, I got a kid at home; said she was saved by a girl with a bow and arrow last week. Thanks for that."

Flashing a weak smile at Officer Davis, she recalled the girl. She had warm, coffee skin and eyes that would light up. Didn't deserve to be harassed by that man, and was Y/N's first actual time helping a civilian. "What's her name?"
"Aaliyah. She keeps a newspaper article she wrote about you framed on her wall."

Looking down, she smiled to herself. A peaceful silence melted between the two, the quiet of the nearly empty precinct, calming.

Y/N sat in the corner of the bench, just watching Davis. He hummed as he worked, the melodic tune fitting with the shuffling of paper, creaky chairs and clanky keyboards. The corners of her mouth twitched, fighting to smile.

The peace was shattered by a broad-shouldered man storming to the front desk. "I'm here to pick up the kid."
"I presume your Steve Rogers." Davis looked him up and down, the well-toned figure providing all the evidence he needed. "Certainly look the part - follow me."


"What were you thinking? Kid, I expected better of you." Steve said, eyes firmly fixed forward. Fury had demanded the Avengers had a meeting, including the two culprits.

Y/N kept her eyes to the floor. She didn't feel like arguing with Captain America.
"I apologised."
"That doesn't cut it-," Pinching the bridge of his nose, he spoke through grit teeth. "Do you have any idea how big of a deal this is?"
He glanced down at the kid. Y/N was no longer averting his hardened glare, instead only the dim glint of her eyes could be seen in the streetlights. "Who's Agent Barton?"
She asked, the sudden coldness disturbing Steve's train of thought.
"You'll be told when you're older."
"They didn't die in a house fire; did they?"
"Kid, I do-" Cutting him off, Y/N raised an eyebrow in suspicion. "Don't lie to me."

Steve opened and closed his mouth. Somethings need to be said.

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