The Tower at Witching Hour

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A cold chill settled over New York, the wind whipping the spilled over trash cans in to the streets. Steve and Y/n had departed from Fury just outside of the apartment building, and had spent the last five minutes just trading names and introductions.

As Y/n and Steve walked to the Avenger's famed Tower, Steve seized the opportunity to get to know his godchild.
She kicked her feet along the trash covered street, and Steve broke the silence.

"You know, I think you'll like working at SHIELD." He said, shoving his hands in to his pockets. "It's a bit strict at times, but you meet some great people."

"Are they all old and.. adult-like?" Y/n responded, picturing the workers as elderly, grey spies. Steve laughed, before glancing at the luminous 'A' that hung iconically in the skyline.

"No, no, there's some very immature people." He recalled Tony's stubbornness to get the last cup of coffee. "Trust me." He added with a smile.

Y/n stopped kicking her feet, the sudden silence sobering the conversation. "Mr Rogers, do you know what happened to my parents?"

Steve bit his cheek, before inhaling sharply. He couldn't lie to the kid, he was pretty much their guardian now. But like Tony said, some things are better left unsaid. Right?

"They were very brave people. They'd be proud of you, Y/n." When Nat and Clint finally resolve the issue, he was sure that they'd be elated to find their child fighting for the good.

Y/n smiled to herself, proud of her. She had never even thought of it that way.

"Did you know them?" Steve nodded, and replied. "Yeah, your dad was a jokester alright. Your mom.. she was one of the strongest women I ever met."

They arrived at the doorstep, and the chill quickly vanished. A receptionist rushed up to Steve, clutching a clipboard. Her strawberry blonde hair cascaded down her back, although being neatly tied back.
Y/n thought she had a very friendly appearance, the smile lines and creases around her eyes giving her a cheerful glow.

"Steve! Mr Barnes has been looking for you, and- I don't believe we've met yet?"
Pepper stopped herself, extending her arm for the girl to shake. She looked a lot like Clint, only a teen and female. When it clicked. The bow, the attire, the determination that sparked in her youthful eyes. It was the spitting image of Clint Barton.

"This is the girl they've been talking about." She said with a curious grin. "I'm Pepper Potts - I'm the CEO."

Y/n realised who she was, and straightened up, taking small steps from behind Steve. She gently took the woman's hand, and said as steadily as possible. "My name's Y/n. Y/n L/n, that is."

Pepper smiled, her lips flattening as she realised the kid had no idea who she came from. Making cold glances at Steve, she gave the girl a small wave as Y/n crept back behind the super-soldier.

"I should probably escort you two to Mr Barnes. In Tony's words, Steve gets lost easily without someone to supervise him." Steve let out a quiet laugh, careful to keep the volume low for Y/n. He looked behind him, to the find the teenager fiddling with the string of her bow. Rolling his eyes, he couldn't help but smile at the fatherly feeling in his heart.


"Mr Barnes? Steve's back, with uh.. the kid." Pepper called, using the unofficial code name for Y/n. Clint and Natasha did not react well to the mention of 'the issue'.

"Send them in!" Bucky half yelled, placing down the confusing iPhone. He was also very curious about this kid, from the clips he had been shown, she had some impressive skills. Although, she did throw some unnecessary peace signs at the security cameras she spotted around Queens.

"Buck! I'm back!" Steve peered over his shoulder, making sure the girl kept up with him. He had been told by Bruce and Tony that he made very large strides.
"I also brought the kid with me!"

Bucky jogged around the corner, the Living Room illuminated solely by the absent-watched TV. His broad figure appeared as a silhouette to Y/n, but judging by the dopey smile that spread on Steve's lips, she knew he was to be trusted.

Bucky pulled Steve in for a warm hug, and Steve pulled Y/n to his side. "Bucky, this is Y/n." Bucky looked behind Steve, and almost gasped in shock. A kid? Bucky thought they meant a young adult, not a literal kid. He felt a shiver of anger, the same glint of recklessness in her eyes as Steve did all the way back in Brooklyn.
"Hi Mr Barnes, have you also seen these 'clips' they've shown everyone?"

Bucky couldn't speak. He put his hand over his mouth subconsciously, looking at the teenager in front of him. Now he realised why Steve has gotten so attached to finding her, she was going to get herself killed. He stumbled out an answer. "Yes, yes, I have. Do you need a jacket, a bulletproof vest?," he winced, and whispered to himself, "you haven't even got a helmet, oh my god."

Bucky dropped his hand from his forehead, before turning to Steve. "Steve, quick talk. Now."

Tilting his head like a discovering puppy, Steve followed him until they were out of Y/n's earshot.
"Are you kidding me!," Bucky seared, "A kid? Are you out of your mind, Steve?"
"Trust me, Buck. She's got potential."
"She's a kid! Steve, listen to yourself, we can't send a kid to do our work for us!"
"I don't think it matters weather we like it or not. Fury has final word, and he thinks the kid's ready." Bucky groaned, and fired back. "He thought that leaving Clint and Tony in a room together was a good idea!"

Steve sighed, glancing back at Y/n. She leaned against the wall, sharpening the heads of her arrows. "I know, Buck. But we need to look after them. Make sure they don't get too hurt - tag behind them."
"Fine. But we intervene as soon as it gets messy." His eyes met Bucky's, finally coming to an agreement. "Fine."


Tony had noticed the tension between the two master-assassins. It was a particular talent you pick up after spending years living with them. The cold stares, leaving the room as another entered, the snide comments.

He retreated to his laboratory, the clean, sterile atmosphere calming his nerves. As much as Tony liked to tell himself he was a confident and suave businessman, he really wasn't. If anything, he could barely hold it together under remotely stressful circumstances.

So, as he stood with his palms shaking, leaning over to hide his face, he didn't expect to hear Bucky and Steve's voice from the Living Room. Just as stressed as he was.

"We intervene as soon as it gets messy."

What could they possibly be planning? Tony questioned, his ears prickling to learn more.

"So, how bad is it?"
"Fury's considering stepping in, but we might leave it to them to solve."

Could it be, he thought, a plan to get Clint and Natasha talking?

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