Spider and Acri

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Y/n found that during class, she would sit and stare at the clock for seemingly hours. It was all she did from Monday to Friday.

However, this night felt like Y/n could barely even glance at the time without something going wrong. For every crime prevented, two more began.

Pulling back the string of her bow, she felt the elastic tremble slightly. The brown package was all she needed, not to take the guy's hand off. Just like planned, the man walked in to the filthy alleyway, glancing rapidly over his shoulder.

"Hey! I'm here! Man, I brought the stuff. It don't come cheap, you know." He chuckled, before breaking out in to a violent cough. Gross, thought Y/n, tucked away in her shadowy perch. The man sniffled, before wiping his mouth with his raggedy sleeve.

As the man regathered his worn lungs, three men emerged from the other end of the ally. Dramatic, Y/n thought to herself, this guy's definitely had practice.

"Well, I had to get it from my most trusted seller in Queens, right?", He spoke, the Brooklyn accent feeling out of place to Y/n. She readjusted herself, readying her bow by carefully placing an arrow, loose but in place. "No need for warm welcomes, it's Lenny, right?"

"Yeah, the delivery is fifty, seeing as you ordered so much of it." Lenny shrugged, giving the slick-haired man a firm handshake. Y/n leaned forward - she didn't know it was a big delivery.

"That's alright, the units should be transferring now. Usual meeting place?"

The man's pale skin almost seemed to glow unnaturally in the dark. His black and sharp suit seemed to just make him seem even more and more peculiar.

"I got you, man. You won't regret this. I've seen what your men can do, I ain't want none of that."

This may be bigger than Y/n originally thought. Men? Could they be assassins? Whoever this was, they were feared enough for the dealer to speak such respect to him. Probably a businessman, and powerful too.

"The Docks."
"The Docks."

They gave each other a salute, a cross formed by their arms. And they walked off like nothing happened. The two men escorted the Businessman around the corner, and Lenny stumbled off back in to the streets.

As much as Y/n would've liked to have intervene, it was best to follow for information. As she dropped down from her perch, she firmly tied her black mask around her lower face. Following the man out of the alleyway, a small thud landed in front of Lenny.

"Want to tell me what that was about?", A deep but very unnatural voice spoke. It sounded like a girl pretending to be a thug. "Don't make me web you!"

His hands shot up, and Y/n instinctively raised her bow. Pulling back the string, she peered around the man. Spider-Man had his hands pointed at the man, and his large, white eyes widened at the sight of her. Lenny followed his stare, and raised his hands even further up.

"Listen, give me the information, or I'll shoot." Y/n knew she wouldn't release the arrow, but sometimes you have to scare them a bit. "We'll let you go, if you give us the meeting point."

"Look, I don't know what you two do for a living, but I ain't scared of you two. You go after what I do, you're going to be in a lot more than just bike robberies." Lenny said with a sneer. "Besides, you sound like a kid." He added, pointing to the Spider-Man.

"I'm not a kid! I'm a man!" He squeaked, the voice configuration barely covering up his embarrassment. Lenny scoffed, before turning to Y/n.

"I've seen you before. You're a real pain, you know that? We lose a lot of packages to you." Y/n rolled her eyes, before tightening her pull on the string.

"Information, now."
"Yeah, what she said." Spider-Man continued.

"Alright, alright. You got me, okay? Meeting point - that's it?"
Y/n nodded, staring at the man's bloodshot eyes. "It's in the Docks! 2am, tomorrow night. That's it. Now can I go?"

"Fine. I catch you again, you know what's happening."

"Got it."

He jogged off, groaning about how much trouble he was in. Spider-Man tilted his head.

"I don't think I've seen you around before." He took a few excited steps forward, and extended his hand. "I'm Spider-Man."

Y/n looked at the hand, and the squinting.. goggles, were they?
Shaking his hand, she slung her bow around her shoulders.
"Acri," his strong grip took her by surprise, "So I guess we're a team now?"

He kept shaking her hand, his white eyes squinting with a mechanical whir. It took him a while to register what she said.

"Yes! Yes, we are a team. Partners, that is.", he dropped her hand, a bit harder than he meant to. "Sorry!"

She chuckled, and rubbed the back of her neck. "Just try not to use that voice, Spider. It's kind of distracting."

Peter felt his cheeks burn up inside the mask. "Okay.. see you around, Acri!"

She turned around, and gave him a small wave. He spun on his heels, insides churning from embarrassment. Zipping away, he spoke to Karen.

"I told you, Karen! It didn't work!" He huffed, swinging along the New York night sky. "Set an alarm for tomorrow night, 2am."

"Sure thing, Peter. What did you think of that girl?"

Karen chirped, and Peter felt the blush spread to his neck. "She was.. cool. Yeah, super cool. I think we'll be a good team."

"You're heart rate went up when I mentioned her. Are you afraid?"
Peter laughed to himself, and tried to explain to his robot companion. "No, it's just a thing humans do. No need to worry, Karen."
A couple of beeps later, Karen responded cheerily. "I'll remember that for next time."

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