Seven And A Half

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The Avengers dispersed, to look for Y/N. After the sea of footsteps washed away, the two vigilantes immediately started planning their escape.

"We have to get on that ship," Acri said, "It's now or never."

Peering over the top of the kitchen-island, Spidey heaved an exhausted reply.

"Yeah," He said, regathering his heart rate. "Just give me a second." Resting his hand on his chest, Y/N could hear his deep breaths. He attempted to get up, but he slumped back down.

"Hey, you okay?" She said, softer than usual. "I can do this alone, if you need space."

"It's a," He took a gulp of breath, before sitting up, "Spidey-Sense thing."

He stumbled a bit, his overwhelmed nerves taking hold of him. Acri sat him back down. "Take it easy, take it easy."

"The elevator." Spidey said, and he pointed with a tired hand to the miracle escape route. Looking to where he pointed, Y/N saw where he was pointing.

Hung open, a rays of lights shone out of the glass elevator. Y/N turned to him and nodded, and pulled up her bow to readjust it on her shoulders. Taking his arm and grappling his weight out, she rested Spidey on her shoulder.

"I'll be back in a minute," He said, hazily. "My senses just need a second to calm down."

His weight was tough to by herself, but she grit her teeth and dealt with it. Breaking out in to a jog, she focused on the elevator doors. Spidey was regaining his senses bit by bit, and was apple to web the button which opened the doors.

Running to the elevator, they skidded inside the glass walls. After a small melody of beeps, they heard muffled voices from the ends of all the winding corridors. Spidey tapped the button, then went to stand beside Y/N.

The doors closed, and Spidey leaned on the glass wall with his hands on his knees. The elevator stood still.

Tapping the button to go to the roof, her heart dropped once again. The voices started to getting nearer, and she could make out the words. Spidey had a go at pressing the button a few times, before panicking just as much as she was.

"It's stuck!" Spidey said, desperately using his palm to push the button.

"I heard something!" It was Tony's voice, followed by Clint's.

"It came from the main room!" The sound of running and sprinting got louder and louder.

"Why aren't we moving!" She said, watching Spidey resort to punching the elevator. Stopping, he looked out of the glass behind him. It over looked all of New York, and was about 10 stories down from the roof. Two quick swings and they would arrive at the top.

Y/N was still slamming her hand on to button, and only got more panicked when she heard the voice outside the elevator. Before she could even tell Spidey to be quiet, an arm grabbed her waist.

Spidey held Acri in one arm and smashed through the window. They had to get on to that ship.

Spidey swung the two of them up to the roof. Gripping on to him for dear life, the wind tugged on to her hair. It was freezing, and the hair on the back of her neck stood up.

"Hold on!" He shouted, cold air filling his lungs. It was a lot more difficult than he thought.

Swinging them up ever further, he saw a railing. They must be close now.
"Brace yourself, it's going to be a rough landing!"


"Listen, I'm going to swing us both up on to the roof. The moment you feel ground, run for the ship." He shouted over the wind. Using his feet to push them up the glass, he could start to see over the roof.

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