The Rise And Fall Of Wilson Fisk

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"So Thor will be securing the perimeter, if he goes down, you have to be prepared for a rough fight. These men won't go easy on you."

"Got it." Y/N said, looking at the blueprints for the last time. "I won't pull punches either. Wanda's trained me for that."

"Let's hope it doesn't come to that. I don't want you to have to do anything you don't want to." Steve rolled the map back up and put it aside. "Nervous?"

"Kind of. Just thinking about what's going to happen afterwards all of this."

If there even is as afterwards, she reminded herself. A frown fell on her face, and Steve noticed.

"You're with SHIELD. Give it a month, and you'll probably be planning for the next mission."

"That fast?"

"Time flies. I wish I could tell you this will be easy, but I can't lie. You will hit rock bottom, and then sink." He leaned against the desk, staring down at the SHIELD badge on his shoulder. Until he looked up, a sincere look in his eyes.

"But the best part about it?" He met her eyes, an unshakeable confidence fuelling his voice.  "You will always dig your way back up. Through stone or dirt, I know you will."

"Everyone's really getting in to the final words now." Y/N tensed, "You don't think anything bad is going to happen, right?"

"Hold on to what you love. You never know when they might leave you."

"I can tell you've done talks like this before, Cap. Good speech." "

"It's a gift."

"Sure is."

Her eyes wandered to the clouds outside. They were gigantic, like the ones she saw with Peter. However she was no longer watching them roll in, she was in the eye of the storm. "How did you survive in Brooklyn back then?"

Steve hesitated what he was about to say, and stifled a short laugh. His smile stayed on his lips. "I didn't. Contracted tuberculosis, got in to fights and had asthma."

"That last one's quite small compared to the others."

"Part of the reason why I even took the serum."

"Was it that easy to make the decision?"

"No. Tony's dad warned me of the consequences, but I was dying already. The worst it would do was cut off the year I had left."

Y/N swallowed hard at the expression on Steve's face. It was sad, his eyes not really looking at her but focusing on the memory. "How old were you?"

"Twenty. Was the size of a twelve year old though."

The next question rolled off of her tongue. "Do you regret it?"

His eyes went hard like stone. "A part of me misses the people I left behind," He took a drawn breath, "But the people I've met here are worth it."

"Acri to the lab." A robotic voice said, and Steve readjusted himself.

"You should probably go see what Stark wants."

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