Uncle Phil

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Long before these events even took place, a certain Uncle Phil had started a business trip.

Except this wasn't a business trip at all. No, Uncle Phil was in fact Agent Coulson.
And they were not at all connected by blood. Instead, Fury gave the two Avenger's child to the supervisor and handler.

Phil didn't know how to react when he was called in to the infamously angry Director's office. His hands fiddled and knotted together, but froze when told what his long-term mission was.
Looking after his two agent's child for 10 years.

He smiled at the sleeping Y/N in his arms. Only two months old, young as the sunrise. The middle-aged landlord hurried over, shopping bags weighing her down.
"Good morning, Phil! Who's this?" She cooed, eyes twinkling as she grinned at the child.
"This is... Y/N. Thank you again, Miss Overton."
"Oh, no problem! Just no pets, and rent is monthly." Phil smiled again, before readjusting the baby in his arms.

The door clicked open, and Phil inhaled deeply. Running his blistered fingers through his hair, Phil walked over to the balcony. The unfamiliar sensation of holding a child was strange. A familiar voice chuckled from the sofa.
"Quite the find, don't you think?" Fury's eyes landed on the child, and softened slightly. "Normal life. That's what this is all for?"
"She's a Romanoff. I don't think she will stay down for long." He laughed. The red-headed assassin had a talent for coming out on top.
"Let's just pray that this will all be worth it in the end." Phil sighed, looking down again. Fury got up, and gave him a firm shoulder pat.
"You'll be fine, Coulson. Besides - you're only here for 10 years."
"I guess."

It was only ten years. He repeated this to himself for the first 3 years. Feeding, sleepless nights, sickness. All common occurrences in the apartment. But gradually, Coulson grew attached. The first day of kindergarten was one of the hardest days Phil had ever faced. He promised himself he wouldn't cry, but to this day remained the only promise he's ever broken.

He always taught her that she should always do good, no matter the consequences. To Phil's surprise, she took it pretty well.

Watching his adopted-niece grow up was his biggest achievement. From riding a bike, learning to read, even taking her to the archery range. Y/N became his child.
Phil's favourite nights were when her friends came around for sleepovers. Peter, M.J and Ned, all delightfully clever children. He was sure they would change the world.

The last day he spent with Y/N was slow, almost torture. She was ten years old and two months, spending the entire day at the Archery Range. Wiping away his tears, Phil packed his suitcase. A SHIELD car came to pick him up, his only explanation being a note on the fridge saying that he was gone on a business trip, and for Y/N to go to May Parker if she needed anything.

The note remains there to this day, untouched. Dust gathered on top of the bike, hastily tucked in to the rarely entered bedroom that once belonged to Uncle Phil. Y/N continued to grow, never forgetting the lost nights with her uncle. Although the memories slowly aged foggily, his wrinkle-seared face remained clear in her mind.

Agent Coulson couldn't fight the smile reaching his lips when he read who had joined SHIELD. He stood up from his chair, and walked to the door, grinning like a madman. The secretary looked up from her desk, almost startled to see him looking so happy.

She abruptly stood up, fingers failing to discreetly fix her skirt, and scurried over to his side. Like an eager poodle, she fumbled with the folders on the desk beside her.
"Get me Steve Rogers." He said firmly.

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