Fits Like A Glove

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"M.J!" Y/N's hands flew to her head, almost hitting herself with her bow. Her eyes crashed from the two men on the floor, to her own hands, to the next shout.

"Y/N! Y/N, quick!" M.J was shrill, echoing. Surely, someone had to hear her now. Hopefully, they would call the police. Or even the Avengers if they were feeling lucky. When Y/N remembered that she is the Avengers... technically.

She was just about to race to M.J, until a flash of metal caught her eye. Turning and investigating, she cautiously crouched down to the man's unconscious body.

Y/N ran her fingertips along the rough metal the man wore around his wrists. Until she pushed on a button accidentally, and a buzzing whir began. With a couple of clicks in to place, fully functioning gun formed in the man's hands.

She wrenched the machinery off of his wrists, and shoved it deep in to her pocket. Maybe the famed Stark would want to take a look at this. Getting to her feet, and giving her knees a good brush off, Y/N jogged off.

M.J was currently wresting a man to the ground. "Stay... down!" She cried, whacking him in the stomach with her backpack. They scuffed for a bit, until M.J gave him a strong punch in the throat.
He fell with a wheeze.

"M.J! Are you okay?" Y/N said in disbelief. She expected that she would have to do the punching.

"I'm fine! Told you I'd be a kickass sidekick!" She put a proud foot on top of the man. "I beat the crap out of him!"

Y/N grinned and tucked her hands in to her arms. "Want me to sign you up for SHIELD?"
"No, no, I'm good. Seems like a big commitment."

Y/N rolled her eyes and went down to the squirming man's level. "Who are you?"
"I'll never say!" The man screamed, reeling his arms the best he could.
"If you don't tell me, you're telling the Avengers." Y/N didn't know if this was true, but it seemed to work.
"I'm from Kingpin. Kingpin, okay! He said to find this girl and to hurt her. Not to kill, just to hurt - badly. To send a message."
"To who?"
"To SHIELD! He's gonna release the Chemical X next week!"

He shouted, and gave up writhing. Y/N's tone got weaker, not sure if she would like what she heard.

"What's Chemical X?" He rolled his eyes, and M.J. raised her eyebrows and dug her boot in to his back.

"This blue powder thing! Makes people stronger, he's using it to do something! That's all I know, now tell this girl to stop kicking me!" M.J scoffed.

"This isn't good... M.J: Call the police, I'll try and get figure out what the hell this is." She looked down at the metal contraption in her palm.


"This is some advanced tech. Where did you say you got it?"
"Found it on the street." Y/N lied, following Tony around the Lab.
"Like, on the sidewalk? What street are we talking here?" He questioned, fiddling with the material. "You know how it is - Queens is a crazy place."
"Right." He mumbled. "Better get some agents down there then."

He clicked the button, and the same whir released. It spread up his arms like a rash, the metal sliding to cover and fit his forearms. "Oh wow. Fits like a glove."

Tony sped off, but halted to a stop and turned back to Y/N. "Acri, right?"
"That's me."
"Latin. Did you come up with that?"
"A friend told me about it."

He chuckled. "Habes amicos quidam astuti." Tony laughed at his own joke, then scurried off to learn more about the technology.

Y/N quirked an eyebrow. She would have to wait until tomorrow so she could ask Ned what that meant. Although the man's words from last night needled her mind.
Kingpin is going to release Chemical X next week? Y/N flexed her knuckles, and took a fresh breath. She would also have to meet with Spider-Man.

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