Too Close For Comfort

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Before Y/N's foot could even graze the floor, bullets whisked her sides. Puncturing the pipes, steam and other gases filled the air with several loud twangs. Her hands gripped the hissing pipe, desperate to not fall in to the swarms of men now leering to throw a punch. They shouted abuse, and cocked their guns in an effort to bring her down. Scurrying back up the pipe, she swung herself back on to the rafters.

It was a disaster. Peter couldn't react. His Spidey-Sense had never failed him before, yet he only got a tinge of warning before the sickening crunch of a successful blow knocked him down. Sliding along the floor, he let out a grunt. Fisk only laughed, the lunges he called steps growing closer and closer towards a damaged Peter.

The man was sick, Peter thought. His scarred face was menacing, the ground shook with every step he took. Peter saw the glints of Acri's eyes watching him, and took a shaky breath. This was going to be a lot more risky than he thought.

Taking a glance at the mess of a fight going on below her, Y/n longingly gazed at the window. One step out of there, and she would be out of harm's way.

Snapping herself out of it, Y/N grit her teeth and hooked an arrow in her bow. Filling her lungs with the musty air, she let go. It whistled as it bound through the air, and sliced the giant's shoulder. Ripping the cloth of his suit, he snapped around. Kingpin's eyes venomously shot at her, the distraction only spiking his rage. As Kingpin refocused on the Spider, he found that the annoying hero had regathered himself.
"Pick on people your own size!" Peter quipped, his playfulness still buzzing.

Peter scrambled to his feet, readying his fists for a fight. He tugged at his mask, pulling it down to make sure it didn't slip off. Fisk readied himself with a low curse, his titanium hands clenching in to a ball. Knuckles white, he positioned his body to crush the hero like an insect. Y/N yelled from the rafters.

"His legs! Web his legs!" She pointed urgently, seeing the murderous glare Kingpin gave Spider-Man. Peter gulped, and followed the advice. Spinning around with his webs carrying him through the dim storage facility, he wrapped the giant's legs until he looked like an oversized mummy. He fell to the floor with a great thud.

With one last whistle, the last troop groaned as the arrow stuck him in the shin. It was inches away from his leg. He screamed out in fear, the arrow completely trapping him on the wall. Y/N winced, and jumped down from the slippy rafters. "Sorry about that."

Fisk roared. It trembled Y/N to the core, she had never heard such anger. The metal containers rattled with fear. The fists crazily jolted, like a lunatic's dance. He tore off the webs, and Peter raced to rejoin with Acri. "How did he.. That doesn't happen, no one ever breaks the webs!"
He exclaimed, shaking as he pointed to the bull-like man. Y/N opened her mouth, then closed it. Shaking her head, she swallowed as she spoke. "This is not going to end well, is it?"

The Kingpin scraped his feet against the dusty floor, like a bull preparing itself for the kill. He grunted with rage, sucking the air through his bared teeth. Then, with a mighty push, he charged at the two disturbances.

Shrieking, they both dived out of the way. Y/N careered in to a mountain of boxes, and rammed in to the floor with a small yelp. Compared to Peter's landing, she got off lucky. Slamming in to a wall, he peeled off, and fell on his hands and knees. They scraped against the concrete, the hiss escaping him as he shook them to stop the sting.

Dizzy from the blow, Y/N stood on wobbly knees. The floor swayed beneath her, as she caught sight of the just as beaten Fisk. Sloppily pulling back an arrow, she let it go too early. It missed, the flimsy whistle ending short. Jabbing the cut on his shoulder, Fisk yelled out in pain. "Curse you, you wretched little-"

He screwed his face up in disgust, and readied himself for another, more powerful charge. The arm hung uselessly at his side, flopping next to his gargantuan body. Y/N gulped, and accepted the incoming pain.

Just as his feet pulled back to dash, Peter delivered a draining punch to his jaw. He was swept off his feet, and sent packing in to a stack of metal containers. Peter landed on two feet, panting from the spent-energy. A final groan escaped his lips, before the titan finally stayed down. For now, at least.

Y/N's hands flew to her head, as she let out a deep sigh. "Holy- Holy crap! We did it!" She raised her fist up. Peter chuckled, and jogged to her side.
"We did! Best team: Acri and Spider-Man!" He cheered, returned the first-bump.

They grinned, the partners now cemented as a team. Before they could even call the police, the doors exploded off of their frames.

"Hands up! Hands up! You are both under arrest under the authority of SHIELD and the NYPD!"

"What?" Y/N rushed for an explanation. "We're with SHIELD!" She took a step to Spider-Man, as they both held their hands up. The guns were dangerously aimed to kill. "You're not going to put us in jail!" Peter said, horrified at the thought.

Tony Stark tutted.
"Told you they'd put up a fight."

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