Mrs Rosette's Cafe

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"This was my favourite place as a kid." Peter said, walking to the cafe. Y/N smiled, and replied with a raised eyebrow.
"Never thought of you as a pie kind of person."

Mrs Rosette's Cafe.

The quaint, lavender sign warmed the dull street. It stuck out like a flower growing in concrete. The signature pies and cupcakes lined the windows, it's glow almost angelic. It was almost empty, except a few elderly couples dotted around the booths and tables.

As Peter opened the door, the smell of recently baked pastry hugged Y/N. A small chime of a bell above the door greeted them to the cafe, as well as a smiling old woman who sat behind a register. Y/N guessed she was Mrs Rosette.

Wearing a blue, polka dot dress with a white apron, Mrs Rosette looked like something out of a 1950s movie. She watched them through wrinkled skin, her red lips curling to a smile. Peter waved, and Y/N followed suit.

"Really?" Peter said, as he and Y/N made their way to a cosy booth.
"I don't know, something about you just screams waffles." He laughed, pushing together his eyebrows. Peter made a suggestion. "We can go get waffles next week?"
"Sure!" She fumbled for her biology homework. Grabbing it, she flicked through and took out the sheet. "Thanks for helping me out by the way. This one just stumped me."
"No worries, besides Liz said we can talk later." He looked down at her contact, refreshing it every five minutes.
Y/N slid it on to the table, and he scanned over it. A small smile grew on his face.
"Wow, we have a lot to go over."

After a couple of milkshakes, Peter had helped Y/N through the questions. He swore she wasn't as bad as she thought she was. It's all just practice, he said. Y/N had definitely heard that phrase before.

By the time they had finished, a summer night's air quickly settled outside. Packing up, they both got distracted by Ned's constant texting. Finally exiting the cafe, Peter quickly dove back in to retrieve his seventh backpack of the year.

Y/N waited outside, and looked up in to the late evening. The sky had faded to a deep blue, great thunderous clouds in the distance prowling nearer. Y/N stood admiring them for a second, a set of quiet footsteps coming beside her. They paused, and Y/N heard a quiet inhale.

"They're huge, aren't they." Y/N whispered, seeing Peter's familiar brown eyes widen next to her.
"Wow." He breathed, stealing a few glances at her. Then, Y/N looked at him, and time froze. His eyes seemed so deep she could drink out of them, the golden glow of the cafe adding a faint halo to them. In those brief seconds, Y/N fell for Peter Parker. Every misguided and dismissed feeling came flooding back.

Until Peter's phone roared, the yodel shattering the gaze. His hand snatched his phone out of his pocket, and hastily tapped to answer.
"Oh! It's Liz - Hey Liz! - Okay, see you later, Y/N!"
He jogged off, his distancing jokes slowly slipping out of Y/N's reach. Y/N tore her eyes away from him, and she saw Mrs Rosette smiling at them from behind the counter.

The last laugh seemed to echo in her mind, his eyes not leaving her head. She shook her head, but stopped to turn for one last look. Peter was now jogging down an alley. Not even questioning it, Y/N's cheeks dusted themselves a pale rose.

The next day was strange. M.J wasn't in, but Peter thought nothing of it. Every conversation with Peter seemed distant, still polite and himself - but preoccupied.
It wasn't until the end of the day, at their lockers, that Y/N decided it was now or never.

Y/N was going to do it. Ask Peter Parker, her long childhood friend, to go out on a date. This was it. She jumped out of her seat, and shook off her nerves.
Turning to him, she was met with an empty spot.

"Liz? Can I talk to you for a sec?" Peter approached Liz, smiling as best as he could. She turned, and even Y/N had to admit - Liz looked perfect. Y/N plastered a wounded smile on her face.

"Sure thing, Pete! What's up?"
"I was wondering if you wanted to see a movie together on Friday?"
"Are you asking me out?" Liz grinned, her eyes lighting up. He squeaked, "Yes! Unless you don't want me to, that's completely fine!" Peter's hand almost hit himself, as he went to scratch the back of his neck nervously.

She giggled. The angelic, heavenly sound that Peter fell for. "Of course, I would love to."

Y/N nodded her head slowly. The air grew thicker and thicker, until every breath was a fight. Turning away, she tried her best to block out Peter's stupid, adorable voice. But she couldn't. The excited cheers and compliments. The knowing that she waited too long.

Gulping down the sinking weight in her knees, Y/N couldn't bare to look at them. She so desperately wanted to be happy for them, to push down the long hidden feelings. The stupidity to not realise that she always felt this way about him.

On her way back to the apartment, the anger started to build. Each step she took, the more annoyed she got.
Why would he look at me like that and then go and ask another girl out?
Was it all just a game to him?
Did it mean nothing?

Stomping up the stairs, the air was bitter. Opening the door to her apartment, she shoved her bag on to the table and escaped to her room. Vacantly lying on the floor, Y/N stayed completely still for an hour. She didn't even want to move.

The only way she could escape his eyes was with a bow, arrows and the criminals of New York.

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