Hit Me

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Coulson was on a mission to be Director Of SHIELD, and was very determined to get the position. He would drill it in to the heads of his supervisors, how much it meant to him, why he needed to get it. How it drove him. Climbing up the career ladder was his goal, and still is.

Luckily, Coulson was very good at his job. Eventually rising above his once higher-ups, he now sits at the right hand side of Nick Fury. Fury would even go as far as to call him a friend. A rare occasion.

So when Coulson left his computer unattended and confidential evidence tapes against Wilson Fisk was sent to 7 random locations in Brooklyn, Fury was as calm as he could be. Interns said that the building itself shook from the volume of the yelling. Coulson escaped with a very, very firm warning.

Scowling, Coulson thought about how smug the hackers must be feeling with themselves. Grinning. Smirking. Either way, it was an absolute loss for SHIELD. Coulson promised himself that he would just make it up by working harder. He wasn't giving up on his dream after one setback.

On the other side of the city, Y/N's training session was voluntarily taken by Bucky.
"Hit me." Bucky said, beckoning with his metal arm for Y/N to swing at him.
Y/N replied, not sure what answer he was expecting. "No?"
He gave an expectant look, and Y/N carefully gave him a quick pat on the shoulder. "Okay, but this time actually do something. Just punch me, kid, I can take it."

Taking a small step back, she gave a more forceful throw. With an inhuman amount of speed, Bucky blocked it and twisted.
"Counter me! What do you do?"

Twisting her arm back, Y/N tried to match his speed. Impossible. She knew this but was too far in now to slam the brakes. Bucky also knew this, but was taken a bit off guard by the kid's enthusiasm. The first blow was quick, unpredictable. Just like everyone screams at her to do. The second one was sloppy, like a beginner.

She was a beginner. Fighting with a bow is very different to fighting with just your fists. It's more personal. From a distance, when all you can see is the ant-size movements, it's much easier.

This concerned Bucky. If someone the size of the last guy she took on got up close, he would crush her. Without a thought. Bucky had to admit - the guy could give him a run for his money.
The thought was dark, but true.

The session was over quite quickly from there. Bucky didn't usually like small talk, but Y/N had some stories. It was also very amusing to hear about her and this boy, she called him Peter.
He sounded a lot like the "intern". Same name too.

Y/N left, doing whatever teenagers nowadays do. Phones, probably. Bucky didn't know, and neither did Steve. Natasha just laughed whenever they asked, and Tony was no better than her. Bruce just gave them an exhausted look, or Clint would just take moving pictures.

Rolling his shoulders back, Bucky took a breath. Looking out over the honeydew sky, the sun like an amber drop in the sky. He was at peace, the dark thoughts pushed to the back of his mind for once.

But Bucky couldn't help but feel paranoid. It felt too quiet, like the world had fell silent. He stood completely still, listening to his gradually quickening heart rate.

Alarms started to blare. The scene shattered, the blinding red lights forcing his mind to go haywire. The normal lights had been completely shut off, red flashing lights replacing them.

Steve raced past him, shouting.

"Meeting, now!" He didn't stop running, the look Bucky knew all to well crossing his face. "Avengers, assemble!"

Bucky looked down at his palms. What had they gotten in to now?

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