A Prime Example Of Wasting Time.

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"Contain the situation?" Sam scoffed, Bucky and Steve watching intently with him. "We're sitting on our asses, whilst criminals run around with their bio weapons!"

He leant back, face twisted with annoyance. The News Anchor continued without the trio's attention.

"Tony just messaged me. We have no more helicopters, apparently the search for Fisk is intense." Steve said, refusing to open his eyes. He lazily lounged over the sofa, legs outstretched like a yawning cat.

On the other end of the cat spectrum, Bucky sat up straight, completely alert. Like a tiger waiting for the pounce, he watched for any sign of chaos or break in.
His ears pricked at any noise, followed by his eyes snapping to the source.

"Is he ever gonna chill out?" Sam waved in his face, poking fun at his expression.
Bucky swatted his hand down, and gave him a firm glare.

"How are you so calm?," He said, eyeing him up and down. "We could be invaded at any moment."

"Dramatic, much? Chill, Billy Ray-Cyrus, we'll be fine." He groaned, and Bucky rolled his eyes, although his back slumped a little.

"Yes, Son Of Wil! Confidence is key to a strong fighter!" Thor boomed, entering the living room. Suffocating his giggle in a pillow, Steve laughed at Thor's mistake.

His own medicine had a bitter taste. Sam swallowed it with annoyance.
"It's Wilson - not son of Wil. Besides, I told you, just call me Sam."

Thor flopped in to an armchair beside them, belly laughing at himself. He clutched his sides as he spoke.
"Very well. My mistake, Samuel."

"You're doing this in purpose-,"

"Not this again." Clint swirled his remaining drops of coffee in his cup, and gulped it down. Washing the cup out, he sung from the sink. "Forgive and forget, gents. That's my motto." He added a small click from his tongue for extra measure.

Bucky lifted an eyebrow. "You sure?"
Turning around, Clint nodded enthusiastically. He made his way over to Thor, and wedged himself beside him.
Thor welcomed the company, however tight it was.

"Nat wouldn't say so." Steve murmured, remembering the fight. It was rough, but he was glad it was over.

A muffled laugh came from the kitchen.
"Actually, Iced Americano," Natasha began, pouring herself a glass of red wine, "Clint and I, as he majestically said, forgive and forget."

"Oh really?" Not believing her, Sam brung up the times when she definitely did not forgive or forget. "I left three pans in the sink to let it soak, and you threatened to kill me."

The Avengers gave no response.
"She has a point."
"I mean..."

"Exactly, Sam. Never leave pans." Natasha sat next to a now sat up Steve.
She sipped carefully at her wine, but stopped as she read the headlines.

A splutter came from Clint and Thor, as they also read the headlines that flashed on the screen above them.

"Are we expecting a visit from Fury?" Clint said, rolling his head back.

"Not that we know of." Replied Bucky.

"We aren't. Although, we are expecting a good old end of the world mission tonight." A quite chipper voice said, and the source drooped down to sit in front of Steve.

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