A Plan Put In Action

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The 'attack' on the elusively named Docks was scheduled for tonight. Y/N still couldn't believe that she was working with Spider-Man. She had though that he was exclusively working for Tony Stark now. It was no secret how often they were in contact, after all.

MJ had gladly fixed up her suit, the once rough seams now neatly sewn together. She ran her fingers over the black leather, and spoke with a grin.

"I put effort in to that. Don't ruin it, please." Y/n smiled, carefully putting it in to her bag.
"Thanks again, it means a lot."
MJ chuckled, and leaned back against her chair. It creaked, echoing in the empty school lab. "No problem, superhero." She teased, throwing her hands behind her head. Rolling her eyes playfully, Y/n took a chair, and sat opposite MJ.
"How're you nerds doing?" She joked, watching the two boys struggle to enter the classroom.

"I am not a nerd, if anything Peter is the nerd here!" Ned reasoned, gesturing to the betrayed Peter. MJ nodded, rubbing her chin like a sculptor finding his vision.
"Very true, Ned, very true indeed."

"Okay, I did not ask to be attacked like this! Y/N, Ned's the nerd, right?"
Y/n shrugged, and watched Peter's eyes widen in melodramatic shock. "I don't know, Pete. You are a Stark Intern, don't you have to be in to science to get that?"

"Well, it helps." He shrugged, the mention of his cover making his answer fall flat. "It would be hard to be a mechanic with glitter glue and cardboard."

MJ gasped. "Arts and Craft is a lot more than glitter glue and cardboard. Who would design your tech without us?"

He held his hands up in surrender. "Fair point, fair point." MJ smiled in satisfaction, and he heaved a sigh of defeat. Nevertheless, he dropped his bag by his chair, and crumbled in to the seat beside Y/N.

Cracking jokes, the teenagers pretended they were normal for what felt like seconds. The secrets melted away, as the cheerful conversations paraded their way past the time. The sun rays turned golden as the clock ticked away, the sound of laughter and youth dancing through the school. As they departed at the school's exit, Y/N saw her breath bound through the air as she walked away.


There was violence in the air, she could almost smell it. Stench of sweat, anticipation and a fresh chill. A recipe for disaster. The deep blue horizon loomed above her, the stars like a broken string of lights, hanging in the sky.

A thud landed beside her. Glancing sharply to the side, Y/N saw the blue, red and white spider crouched like her.
"You ready?" She asked, bringing her bow in front of her.
"On the count of three.. 1, 2... 3!" The Spider-Man stage-whispered, before jabbing his elbow against The Docks' window. It opened, the only noise made was a small click. "Nice." She whispered, and he rubbed the nape of his own neck.
"Thanks, I've had tons of practice." He joked, taking her hand and helping her though the window.

They sneaked along the metal rafters, careful not to slip on the oil-slick bars. The brisk footsteps of the two were covered by the distant mutters of troops just below them. It was bizarrely peaceful for the duo, until the doors bursted open, and nearly flew off the hinges. Freezing, they watched in helpless terror as the scene unfolded below them.

"I swear on my life, man! I ain't snitched!" Lenny screamed, while being dragged by the scruffy collar of his stained shirt. The man pulled him along like a sack of dirty washing, before hurling him on the floor.

"Don't lie, Lenny." A man spoke. Y/N's eyes searched for the source, landing on a broad figure standing ominously by the rusted pipes. "Where's the package?"
He growled, the raspiness nothing like the elderly women next door to Y/N's. This voice was raw, like it had been scratched inside and out before finally deciding to speak. "I ain't got it with me! Okay!", he scrambled for a response, the gulp as audible as the words that fell from his toothless mouth. "Just, please, Fisk-"
"Fisk is from when you were an ally." He interrupted, the twisted grin on his face making Y/N's skin crawl. "You're dealing with Kingpin now."

"Acri, we have to help him!" Spider-Man squeaked, but Y/N couldn't look away from the scene. Her eyes where rooted to the man, Kingpin he called himself.

He was built like a boulder, the wrecking balls he called fists clenched at his sides. The suit he wore wrapped hopelessly around his shoulders, stretched beyond repair, yet perfectly tailored.

The cock of a gun brought her back.
"You take the big guy, I'll get the guards."
She said, already making her way to the floor. Spider-Man nodded, and landed between the raggedy man and the Kingpin.

"Fisk! Why don't you pick on someone your own size!" The wicked smile only grew larger. "The plan worked - men! Ready your weapons, we got the Spider and the Archer!"

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