Climbing Trees and Midnight Conversation

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The day was old, the sun stumbled back down in to the sky, making way for the moon. Y/N and M.J sat in the park, listening to the whistling wind and trying to figure out who the Kingpin was.
And to complain about parents, after all they are teenagers.

"Yikes." MJ said, pushing her coiled hair back. "Sounds like a crappy dad."

"I wouldn't call him dad." Y/N sourly replied, tapping her pen on the notebook.
"Then what would you call him?"
"Stupid, old, boring. The list goes on really."

M.J groaned a small sigh, then leaned back in to the park bench. "Have you met your mom yet?"
"God, no. I'm pretty sure she killed Captain America for telling me."

M.J stood up abruptly. "You met Captain America - the guy who has given us both many lectures during detentions - and didn't kick his teeth in? What's the point of being strong and not using it, Y/N!"

Y/N chuckled, and rolled her eyes.
"I'm guessing you also want me to punch Bruce Banner because we had to write a chemistry essay about his work?"

"No, he's okay." M.J waved a dismissive hand. "Probably the least flamboyant of the six."

Y/N's eyebrows raised, as she began to climb up a tree. "You'd be surprised." Placing a steady foot on the bark, she pushed herself up on to the cold branch.
She took a moment. Wanda has told her to watch out for when the atmosphere changes in a place. This was definitely one of them.

Maybe M.J knew this too, as her voice was gentle and no longer sarcastic as she spoke. "Anything new about your uncle?"

Y/N's lips flattened, and her grip on the branch loosened slightly. "Still on a business trip. I don't know if I'll ever be seeing him again."
M.J looked down, kicking at the mud.
She deflated at her own words. "What's going to happen to his apartment?"

Y/N looked over at the distant but still glowing Avengers Tower from the tree.
"Honestly? I don't know. Mrs Overton is getting old, the new building owner might not be as lenient with a kid living on their own." Instead of replying, M.J climbed up the tree. Sitting peacefully beside her best friend, she too looked at the beacon of a tower ahead of them.

"You're always welcome at our place you know." She whispered. "I don't know where you'll keep your bow, but I know that you're not just my friend."
She paused, smiling at her palms from her own cheesiness. "You're family."
"Thank you-"

A gunshot. Several loud popping shots. Each one of them screeching of in to the silence. The two girls fell out of the tree.
"M.J? M.J, are you hurt?"

Y/N looked around, but saw nothing but a dumbfound M.J. Her eyes reeled in urgency, pointing in the direction of the shots. "What are you doing! Asking if I'm okay? Go save some people, Y/N!"

Y/N looked back to the street to M.J, and threw on her bow and quiver. "Right! Right! Okay, you just... hide! I'll be back soon, if I'm not back in 10 minutes, call the Avengers!"

Y/N sprinted as fast as she could, the distant shout of M.J making her wince.

"You are the Avengers!"

Scaling the building closest to the gunshots, she sucked a breath in.
Three men, two holding heavy guns.
Squinting her eyes to get a better view, Y/N perched on the edge of the building.

Quietly settling her bow in her hands, the grip fell in to Y/N's palms. Sliding an arrow out, the rickety iron made her nervous. With Spider-Man, she was confident they could take the three on.

But her and her homemade arrows? She had never thought of it like that. The thought of the arrow snapping on impact sidled up to her. Gritting her teeth, Y/N pushed the thought away.

Glancing to the Avengers Tower, she felt the thought deepen further in a horrible sinking feeling. What was happening? She was never like this, Y/N thought whilst giving herself a little shake.

"Come on.. Focus. We can think about that later." She muttered, drawing back the arrow. Although, the thought slunk back, and Y/N let the arrow relax. Her eyebrows pushed together, as she eyed the splintering wood. Swallowing another breath, Y/N looked back down at the men. They seemed to be looking for something.
"Okay, if I'm not going to use my arrows, I have to use just the bow. What can go wrong with that?" She muttered, creeping down from the building.

Her footsteps were like a cat's, barely even there. Siding up against a van, she prayed for the Avengers to miraculously appear in front of her. To bail her out.
She was in way over her head.

"God, I hate this job." A gruff, male voice said, as Y/N peered over the van's bonnet. "Low pay, and Jesus.. the screams."
Y/N froze. "Who are these people?"
"It's just for another night. Besides, we all got survive somehow." The other man said, his footsteps getting closer to Y/N.

She ducked, listening for the sounds. That's what Bucky taught her. But right now, her training seemed to disappear. It was all instinct now.
The heavy boots neared, crunching on the gravely concrete. He moved like an ox.
Every breath Y/N took felt like a giveaway to where she was. She held her breath.

Crunch. Crunch. Crunch.
Pause. She watched his boots stop righting in front of the bonnet. Readying her bow, she took a few steps forward.

In a quick second, she jumped up, and hooked the string of the bow and his throat. Choking him out, a few gargled noises escaped his mouth. Dragging him to the ground, the thud made her panic.
"Mark, you okay over there?"

Tugging him frantically along the floor, she left him on the street, just underneath the van. Out of sight. Edging around the van, she reached the back of the vehicle. Peeking around the corner, she caught a glimpse of the van's company name.
Ilwons' Chess Pieces.

Only two men left, she reassured herself. Without her arrows, she felt very vulnerable. Sneaking behind the next man, she tried her hardest to recall what Bucky taught her after listening.
The pressure was unimaginable, as the towering man stood unaware in front of her crouched figure. Pressure points!

With her bow in hand, she whacked the man in two places in his shoulders, and his arms fell limp and useless to his side. Delivering one final sweep to the feet, he fell to the ground.

A shout held back her success.
"Y/N!" The voice was desperate, petrified and oddly familiar. And then the worst thought of them all hit her like a sack of bricks.
"Oh god, M.J!"

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